In this article we'll talk about how to make your eyelashes grow longer.
More than likely, people have told you that you simply cannot accomplish this.
This isn't true! There are definitely things that you can do to promote eyelash growth and enhance the look of your eyelashes in general.
We'll start with my favorite method, one you may have heard of.
This method is applying virgin coconut oil directly to your lashes.
It sounds silly, but this method has been extremely successful for me! Just go to your nearest beauty supply store and purchase some disposable mascara wands, pour some coconut oil onto it, and apply to your lashes like you would with mascara.
Do this every evening, and soon, you'll have longer, beautiful eyelashes! This also enhances the look of your mascara, since coconut oil is extremely moisturizing.
It really helps to condition them.
Some people swear by applying virgin olive oil, too, and some do a mixture of both oils.
Pay close attention to your diet, because this is very important in promoting eyelash (or hair) growth.
Eat a diet rich in biotin, vitamin B6, magnesium, and zinc.
Protein is definitely something that you want to add to your dirt to achieve any type of hair growth, since hair basically is protein.
Last but not least, there are eyelash growth serums that you can buy.
Some of these have really good reviews, so it may be worth it for you to try one of these.
I personally recommend trying natural methods first, as they are easy and very effective.
More than likely, people have told you that you simply cannot accomplish this.
This isn't true! There are definitely things that you can do to promote eyelash growth and enhance the look of your eyelashes in general.
We'll start with my favorite method, one you may have heard of.
This method is applying virgin coconut oil directly to your lashes.
It sounds silly, but this method has been extremely successful for me! Just go to your nearest beauty supply store and purchase some disposable mascara wands, pour some coconut oil onto it, and apply to your lashes like you would with mascara.
Do this every evening, and soon, you'll have longer, beautiful eyelashes! This also enhances the look of your mascara, since coconut oil is extremely moisturizing.
It really helps to condition them.
Some people swear by applying virgin olive oil, too, and some do a mixture of both oils.
Pay close attention to your diet, because this is very important in promoting eyelash (or hair) growth.
Eat a diet rich in biotin, vitamin B6, magnesium, and zinc.
Protein is definitely something that you want to add to your dirt to achieve any type of hair growth, since hair basically is protein.
Last but not least, there are eyelash growth serums that you can buy.
Some of these have really good reviews, so it may be worth it for you to try one of these.
I personally recommend trying natural methods first, as they are easy and very effective.