- Breath mints help keep your breath fresh.Cavan Images/Digital Vision/Getty Images
In 1951, the American Chicle Co. introduced Clorets, the first gum designed to fight bad breath. Certs mints came out in 1956, and it was the first breath mint marketed in the United States. Before these products, candy was not associated with oral hygiene. Since the 1950s, a variety of breath mints have been created and sold in the U.S. - Certs were introduced in 1956 by the American Chicle Co. after the success of Clorets gum. Containing a breathe freshener called Retsyn, Certs grew to prominence in the 1960s and 1970s. The circular mint comes in a rolled package and includes wintergreen and spearmint flavors.
- Tic Tacs, the pill-like mints, were introduced in 1969. Freshmint was the first flavor featured in the signature clear box with a flip top. Other flavors include cinnamon, powermint and wintergreen.
- Altoids were first introduced the U.K. as a relief for stomachaches in 1790. The signature Altoids tin container debuted in the 1920s. First sold in the U.S. in 1918, Altoids are now a top-selling mint with flavors such as original peppermint and wintergreen.
- The Lifesaver company released Breathsavers in 1978 in a similar roll package to Certs. In 1998, Breathsavers hosted the longest kiss contest. The winners kissed for 29 hours. Round and disk-like, flavors include peppermint and citrus mist.
- Created in 1865 in England, Fisherman's Friend is a strong mint first designed as a lozenge to relieve fisherman out at sea suffering from coughs and other bronchial problems. It is available in 100 countries and has received the Queen's Award for Export Achievement.
Tic Tacs
Fisherman's Friend