Give me a break! They are claiming that Charles Barkley is not receiving any sort of special treatment as he serves his 3 days in jail.
Three days! Wow.
Somehow that doesn't seem like much time when you stop to consider the number of days that a victim from a drunken driving accident will spend in the grave.
Then they even have the audacity to list him as a model prisoner.
Such crap! He is in a separate tent where he can't be bothered by anyone else or bother them and they list him as a model prisoner.
I guess if you are a jock you don't need to be concerned about becoming bubbas boy friend when you end up in jail.
As the Maricopa County Sheriff Mr.
Joe Arpaio has stated Barkley has a private tent for his protection.
He even has his meals delivered to him.
Not bad for a drunk! Even though Barkley is in custody he will actually see a work release from 8 AM to 8 PM Sunday and another work release at 8 AM on Monday.
Gee folks this prison life is sure rough for him.
I would think that MAD would be having some concerns on how trivial the state of Arizona has made a drunken driving charge.
It appears to me that Barkley's comforts are a bit more important then the thought that he could have wiped out a complete family in only one automobile accident and all he gets is a slap on the wrist and 36 hours in a private jail.
Barkley's blood alcohol content was twice what the legal limit should be when he was stopped and tested.
Even the judge is dazzled by Barkley's charms as he reduced the original sentence from 10 days of confinement to only three.
He gave him 7 days off for completing an alcohol treatment program which should have been mandatory to begin with.
It is about time that we modify our drinking laws in this country.
If this was some young kid who was caught with a small quantity of pot he would be in jail for a long time.
In all honesty, I haven't seen any pot related car crashes which wipe out complete families.
Let's start making the laws fit the crime.
Copyright @ 2009 Joseph Parish
Three days! Wow.
Somehow that doesn't seem like much time when you stop to consider the number of days that a victim from a drunken driving accident will spend in the grave.
Then they even have the audacity to list him as a model prisoner.
Such crap! He is in a separate tent where he can't be bothered by anyone else or bother them and they list him as a model prisoner.
I guess if you are a jock you don't need to be concerned about becoming bubbas boy friend when you end up in jail.
As the Maricopa County Sheriff Mr.
Joe Arpaio has stated Barkley has a private tent for his protection.
He even has his meals delivered to him.
Not bad for a drunk! Even though Barkley is in custody he will actually see a work release from 8 AM to 8 PM Sunday and another work release at 8 AM on Monday.
Gee folks this prison life is sure rough for him.
I would think that MAD would be having some concerns on how trivial the state of Arizona has made a drunken driving charge.
It appears to me that Barkley's comforts are a bit more important then the thought that he could have wiped out a complete family in only one automobile accident and all he gets is a slap on the wrist and 36 hours in a private jail.
Barkley's blood alcohol content was twice what the legal limit should be when he was stopped and tested.
Even the judge is dazzled by Barkley's charms as he reduced the original sentence from 10 days of confinement to only three.
He gave him 7 days off for completing an alcohol treatment program which should have been mandatory to begin with.
It is about time that we modify our drinking laws in this country.
If this was some young kid who was caught with a small quantity of pot he would be in jail for a long time.
In all honesty, I haven't seen any pot related car crashes which wipe out complete families.
Let's start making the laws fit the crime.
Copyright @ 2009 Joseph Parish