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Fortune Hi Tech Marketing Exposed! Is Fortune Hi Tech Marketing a Legitimate Company?

In 2010 there will be more people exposed the Fortune Hi Tech Marketing than any other year in their nine year history.
If you are reading this article right now you are likely here for two reasons: 1)To find out more information about Fortune Hi Tech Marketing to see whether or not they are a reputable company.
2)You merely went to Google and typed in Fortune Hi Tech Marketing to see what would come up.
In this article I am not going to go into detail about FHTM's compensation plan or the companies they are affiliated with because there are virtually a million people that would be more than happy to pitch you on FHTM.
The purpose of this article is to give you the truth about Fortune Hi Tech Marketing and the training that they provide to their reps.
If you are considering getting involved in Fortune Hi Tech Marketing there are some very important facts that you must know in order to protect yourself from getting ripped off.
Let's begin! Fortune Hi Tech Marketing uses a traditional based style of network marketing tactics.
In other words, FHTM tells their representatives to make a list of friends and family, call these people, book an appointment with them, and show them the FHTM opportunity.
In fact, this is very likely how you were exposed to the FHTM opportunity to begin with.
However, what is truly shocking is that these tactics have been employed and used since the 1950s.
Needless to say, times have changed dramatically since the 1950s and common business building principles that were used in those times are simply no longer applicable in today's marketplace.
Think about it, did you receive a call from this person unexpectedly? Did they bring you to a hotel meeting? Did they meet you for coffee? Did you watch the DVD presentation? Did you get on the phone with their sponsor after the presentation? How did you feel when your friend/ family member was presenting the FHTM opportunity to you? Did you feel like you were in a high pressure sales situation? Did you get the impression that they only wanted to help themselves instead of wanting to help you? The truth is that what Fortune Hi Tech Marketing calls "sharing the opportunity" is really sugar coat for sales because in order for anyone to make money in the company, there has to be something bought and sold.
The reason why FHTM calls this approach sharing is because they do not want people to think that they are making people become sales people (which in reality is exactly what they are doing).
The reason why Fortune Hi Tech Marketing instructs you to make a list of friends and family is because making a list of people is incredibly easy to do.
Also, it has been proven that within two weeks most people that join a network marketing company quit because they get scared and get buyer's remorse.
This is why your friend/ family member wants you to get started right away and immediately start calling people.
The reality is that most people in Fortune Hi Tech Marketing will never make the income that your friend is reportedly telling you that you can make simply because they have not learned the real business principles and the science behind building a successful FHTM business.
To learn more about the cutting edge strategies that are enabling the top 1% to have success in this industry, make sure you read the resource box below and click on the link for more information.
See you at the top, Michael Stead
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