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Single Mothers after a Break Up

Unfortunately when we are young Its very unlikely that we choose to become single mothers.The likely hood is that you met someone fell in love and all seemed rosey! He promised to love you and look after you no matter what situation or circumstance arose.He wined and dined you,he introduced you to his parents he showed you off to his friends,he even showed off around his friends about how great you are.You made many plans together about how the future was going to be great.You even made plans about buying a house together in the future.

Then it happened you became pregnant. Weather it was planned or un-planned you became pregnant. This is something you both did together. Its not something you did alone. You became pregnant and decided to keep the baby because of your love for your man. Single parent is not what you signed up for.Being pregnant for the man you love and the many that says he loves you is one of the most happiest times of a woman's life [].You are carrying his baby.All the pictures you have in your mind on how this little cute baby is going to look.You start to imagine how its little face is going to look like.You imagine how its nose is going to be its ears, its toes, is it going to look like you or its dad? All these thoughts and excitement at the same time.Not of being a single mother!

This is a time when you are a your most happiest.You speak about this unborn baby all the time.You plan the future of not only you and your partner, but now you the baby and your partner.

Single Mothers After Break up is a wonderful resource for every single mother who wants to bring
up her child in the best possible way. Learn how to cope with pressures and emerge a winner []
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