Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Putting to Win Product Overview

Putting to Win is an eBook and video instruction package.
I have been unable to learn the identity of the writer other than he is a European PGA Tour player.
He recently was able to qualify for the tour because of improvements he made to his putting.
He presents what he learned during his year of work in search of better putting.
From reading the greens to hitting a two footer, everything is covered.
The videos serve as a continuing putting lesson and the eBook comes with a membership to the video site.
I think "Putting to Win" is a good value for the money.
I have personally spent a small fortune on golf lessons, plus several times the product cost on lessons specifically for my putting.
For the 77 buck spent you couldn't take a one hour lesson from the local PGA professional at my home course.
It will not instantly turn you into Tiger Woods on the green.
What it will do is give you the tools you need to improve the consistency of your putting on a day to day basis.
Still, most of what is shown will take some practice time.
On the other hand, there are a lot of things you can use right away.
The tips on green reading will help with your next round.
Especially if that round is being played on a strange course.
So all in all, Putting to Win serves it purpose well for those it is intended to help.
It is a well done, professional looking and feeling product that will help anyone willing to put in the time to putt better.
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