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Speaker wire with "+" signs (NL Graphics)
Look for markings on your speaker wire. Many speaker wires come with markings on the wire showing which lead is positive. In most cases, this is accomplished by printing a series of "+" signs on one of the leads. - 2
The red stripe indicates "positive." (NL Graphics)
Examine the wire for other markings. Red is used almost universally to indicate a positive lead or terminal in electronics. A marking such as a red stripe will indicate a positive lead. - 3
Red and black insulation. (NL Graphics)
Look for color-coded insulation. In the case of the illustration, the red jacketed lead will serve as the positive lead. - 4
Blue and copper-colored speaker wire. (NL Graphics)
Make a decision on polarity. In some cases the wire is color-coded, but with no indications as to which should be positive and which negative. Simply decide on which lead will serve which function, and be consistent in your application. Jot down what you've decided if you think you'll forget.