- 1). Contact the Vocations Director for the community of which you want to be a part. Provide information about your background, including your previous involvement in parish life. Explain in brief why you want to be a nun and how you understand your calling. State why you feel drawn to this particular community and describe the particular spiritual gifts you would bring. Name your "growing edges" and any reservations about becoming a nun which you want to put forward.
- 2). Arrange a time for you to visit the community. This initial visit will probably be for several days and will be focused on allowing you to get to know the community members, to engage in prayer and worship, and to discern whether you feel at home there. You may also meet with the director to discuss your calling, your spiritual history and where God is leading you.
- 3). Complete the community's application process. Questions for applicants may include your date of baptism and confirmation, previous experience with religious communities, psychiatric history, general health, history of addiction and whether you are in debt or bound by any other promises or commitments (such as military obligations.)