- 1). Place the ladder under your garage door opener. Be sure to follow all the safety warnings on the ladder and take careful care not to fall off while programming the 83LM remote control.
- 2). Find the "Learn" button on your garage door opener motor unit. This button should be located on the rear or one of the sides of the unit. Press this button and hold it down until the indicator light near the button lights up. This light will remain bright for 30 seconds. You must perform the next step within that 30 second window before the learning process will end automatically.
- 3). Press the button you want to operate your garage door opener on your 83LM remote. Hold it down for several seconds. As long as you keep it held down, the remote will search for codes that will operate your garage door opener. If you release the button early, you will need to start the process over again.
- 4). Release the button when the learn button light on your garage door motor blinks and turns off. Depending on the model of your garage door motor, you may hear two clicks coming from inside of the unit.
- 5). Climb down from the ladder and test the 83LM remote with your garage door opener. If the remote operates the garage door, you are finished. If not, repeat the process to find a code that will operate your equipment.