Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Getting Pregnant the Easy Way

It is not easy getting pregnant.
Some women are advised to have a bed-rest for the first three months when there is threatened abortion.
The actual maternity process takes self-sacrifice and tedious work.
For some, getting pregnant per se is difficult to achieve.
Others, however, get pregnant, without planning it.
There are certain reasons why others have a painstakingly difficult time to get pregnant.
Factors like stress, diet, medication, diseases and infections may cause hindrances to pregnancy.
There are people who resort to other means just to get pregnant, but have you heard that just by simply knowing the day to get pregnant, can actually, make one get pregnant? You do not need to waste your time and money trying to find ways to conceive.
Here are some ways: Know the ovulation schedule - this is one of the simplest methods to conceive naturally.
Ovulation is part of the menstrual cycle.
This is the stage in the process when the mature egg cell of the woman goes out of the uterus following an increase in levels of Luteinizing Hormone (LH).
For women who have a regular 28-day menstrual cycle, increase in LH and release of the ovum usually falls on the fourteenth.
This method will apply only to women who have normal cycles.
Now, how about those women, who have exceeded the 28- day cycle? Here's how: Compute by dividing the actual number of days in your existing cycle by two and add an allowance of at least one to two days.
Please take note that the ovum that goes out of the uterus is very fertile and is ready for any sperm cell.
The life span of the fertilized ovum is so short, that is why, when there is no intercourse within the next twelve hours, the ovum breaks and disintegrates.
With this said, the best time to get pregnant is during the height of ovulation.
Another clear sign on women's body processes, is the presence of cervical mucus.
When the mucus gets kind of sticky and slippery just like the texture of egg whites, this is definitely the great time to conceive.
The mucus serves as protection of the sperm from vaginal contents that may destroy the sperms.
Making the sperms last long to pass through the fallopian tube is the perfect way to join with the egg cell.
Getting the basal temperature is also another method to detect fertility.
You can have regular monitoring of the basal temperature for months to decipher the best schedule when basal temperature is at its peak.
Although, the best time to get pregnant is relative, having known these signs will help us go through the process easily.
A little dose of information can actually help in finally getting pregnant.
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