Health & Medical Body building

3 Strength Training Exercises For Women To Shed Fat Fast

Weight lifting or strength training is an essential part to your weight loss plan. If you aren't doing it now, then you should start tomorrow, it's that important! Lifting weights will burn less calories during the exercise than cardio, but it will increase your metabolism for a long time after the workout, more than making up the difference.

Strength training will help you shed fat and keep it off permanently, even for women. Here's 3 basic exercises that you can do right now (even in your own home) to ramp up your weight loss results.


Squats are one of the most common exercises known to man, but they work extremely well. They target your quads mainly, but also your hamstrings and glutes too. To do a squat stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and squat down.

Form is very important when doing squats, always make sure that you're knees don't go past a 90 degree angle, it will put unnecessary pressure on them. Keep your back as straight as possible and stick your butt out to stay balanced. You should almost be able to get your thighs parallel with the ground. To make sure you have good form, start out with just your body weight and move up from there.


You may have seen this one before in pilates or yoga. What you do is lie down face down, then lift yourself up to your elbows while keepig your back as straight as possible. Then hold it for a minute, relax a sec and do it again. This exercise targets a lot of the body, but mainly your core.

Push Ups

Push ups are an awesome way to work out your upper back, shoulders, chest and triceps. Plus, it's a body weight exercise so you can do it at gym required.

Take these 3 exercises and start doing them or incorporate them into your existing exercise plan and you'll be on the road to faster fat burning and easier weight loss.
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