Health & Medical Self-Improvement

No Place for Bullies

Society is ever changing and we face new challenges everyday.  As a parent I feel it is my duty and responsibility to prepare my children to succeed in the best ways possible.  As we empower ourselves, we become the role models for our children, family and friends. Our efforts and our actions should be based on love.  Love not fear.  When we don't recognize the opportunity to reap the benefits of loving acts we miss out on opportunity to help our world heal.  For too long we've allowed the practice, that preying on someone you feel is weaker or inferior to you as a right of passage.  We give the advice; "toughen up" to those that are being picked on.  Though, this is not bad advice, because challenges and adversity are a part of life.  The other part that needs to be addressed is why are we allowing others to behave in this manner?  This kind of act is woven in the fabric of discrimination.  Is this something we still accept within society?  Negativity of any kind does not allow us to go forward in life.  It holds us back.  One of the greatest things in life that we can teach is to love and receive love in return.   If we learn to love each other for whom we are and what we are, we rid ourselves of acts like bullying. 

 After being given the gift of life, our children, are the most precious gift that we have been blessed with.  The gift of creating a human life through child birth is the most marvelous gift given to mankind.  A gift that should not be taken lightly.  So why do we allow these gifts to be given bad values and bad character?  When we allow bullying, we are saying that it's alright to practice outside the realm of love.  If we are to build an empowered world, it has to be inclusive of everyone.        

We also need to teach and encourage the benefits of having strong shoulders.  Adversity is part of life it comes in many shapes, forms and fashions.  Learning to deal with adversity helps to build self esteem and a love for self.  Don't allow yourself to be bullied.  If you are confident as to who you are, where you are going and what you are about, no amount of adversity (bullying) will ever conquer you. Understanding who you are is the key.  God blessed you with the gift of life for a reason.  When we allow others to determine or undermine what God has in store for us we do ourselves and God a disservice.  Your time is limited; don't waste it living someone else's life or what they think of you.  Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people's thinking.  Don't let the noise of other's opinion drown you inner voice.  And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they already know what you truly want to become.  Everything else is secondary.
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