There are plenty of reasons why you may wish to use a modern television set outside, but installing an outdoor TV can be fraught with difficulties and challenges.
Whether it is for outdoor television entertainment, placing an information screen outside a public or business location, or advertising with outdoor digital signage, outdoor screens need to be comprehensively protected.
Many outdoor screens are brought as specific outdoor or waterproof devices manufactured for external use.
However, these outdoor TVs can be highly expensive and for small businesses, educational establishment or householders the investment can be too high to justify.
But outdoor screens can be incredibly useful, not only does providing outdoor TV viewing generate custom in bars and pubs-especially since the introduction of smoking bans, but outdoor information screens can be extremely valuable and disseminating information in locations such as colleges and schools-or anywhere with a large site area.
And simpler and more cost effective methods of using a TV outdoors are available and are increasingly being used as an alternative to outdoor screens.
Outdoor TV enclosures have several distinct advantages as a solution for outdoor TV use.
The first is that they can house almost any TV and allow its use outdoors.
This can be an old TV or one specifically bought for the outdoor area, but it doesn't need to be anything fancy as a standard equipment will operate perfectly well outdoors if protected in the enclosure.
As LCD enclosures come in a range of sizes it is a simple case of sourcing the TV then getting the same sized LCD enclosure for the TV.
Secondly, LCD TV enclosures not only provide comprehensive weather protection, but they ensure the screens are physically protected too with shatterproof screens and a rugged steel design making them resistant to impacts and vandalism.
The internal temperature controls inside the LCD enclosure ensure that whatever device is housed inside, it is running at the optimum temperature regardless of the ambient conditions meaning that TVs housed in LCD enclosures can operate every day-all year around.
Whether it is for outdoor television entertainment, placing an information screen outside a public or business location, or advertising with outdoor digital signage, outdoor screens need to be comprehensively protected.
Many outdoor screens are brought as specific outdoor or waterproof devices manufactured for external use.
However, these outdoor TVs can be highly expensive and for small businesses, educational establishment or householders the investment can be too high to justify.
But outdoor screens can be incredibly useful, not only does providing outdoor TV viewing generate custom in bars and pubs-especially since the introduction of smoking bans, but outdoor information screens can be extremely valuable and disseminating information in locations such as colleges and schools-or anywhere with a large site area.
And simpler and more cost effective methods of using a TV outdoors are available and are increasingly being used as an alternative to outdoor screens.
Outdoor TV enclosures have several distinct advantages as a solution for outdoor TV use.
The first is that they can house almost any TV and allow its use outdoors.
This can be an old TV or one specifically bought for the outdoor area, but it doesn't need to be anything fancy as a standard equipment will operate perfectly well outdoors if protected in the enclosure.
As LCD enclosures come in a range of sizes it is a simple case of sourcing the TV then getting the same sized LCD enclosure for the TV.
Secondly, LCD TV enclosures not only provide comprehensive weather protection, but they ensure the screens are physically protected too with shatterproof screens and a rugged steel design making them resistant to impacts and vandalism.
The internal temperature controls inside the LCD enclosure ensure that whatever device is housed inside, it is running at the optimum temperature regardless of the ambient conditions meaning that TVs housed in LCD enclosures can operate every day-all year around.