Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Spider-Woman #6

We left Jessica Drew about to confront the "Thunderbolts" in the end of the last issue, and in this issue they clash head on.
The good news is that she absolutely beats their trash, mentally and physically.
For being a super creature with such low self esteem Spider-Woman sure does kick a large amount of a**.
This issue was literally filled with combat and chase scenes.
Honestly this is the most exciting issue in the series so far.
I have already said it once, but I will say it again: Alex Maleev's art totally upstages Brian Michael Bendis' writing.
And to be up front with you (I might get death threats for this), I really haven't been impressed with Bendis in this series.
I don't know if I am just not getting it or what, but the writing has seemed scattered, repetitive, and under-developed.
Very little of the story jumps out at me as being impressive or original and Jessica Drew's inner monologue can be annoying and over-the-top.
Speaking from a perspective of very little experience with the works of Bendis, I am unimpressed and unmoved.
(and when I met him he gave me a limp noodle handshake).
To be fair, the only works of his that I have read have been Powers 1-4 and Alias 1, nothing else.
And those are pretty good, but still nothing to freak out about.
By comparison, I have read even less of Brubaker, but I am impressed as all get out by him.
So go figure.
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