Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Virginia - Popular Baby Names

Updated March 05, 2015.
Baby Boy Names
  1. William
  2. Jacob
  3. Mason
  4. Noah
  5. Ethan
  6. James
  7. Michael
  8. Jackson
  9. Jayden
  10. Liam

Baby Girl Names
  1. Sophia
  2. Emma
  3. Olivia
  4. Isabella
  5. Abigail
  6. Madison
  7. Emily
  8. Ava
  9. Elizabeth
  10. Chloe


Baby Boy Names
  1. William
  2. Jacob
  3. Michael
  4. Alexander
  5. Ethan
  6. Noah
  7. James
  8. Joshua
  9. Christopher
  10. Aiden

Baby Girl Names
  1. Olivia
  2. Sophia
  3. Isabella
  4. Emma
  5. Abigail
  6. Madison
  7. Ava
  8. Chloe
  9. Emily
  10. Elizabeth


Baby Boy Names
  1. William
  2. Jacob
  3. Noah
  4. Michael
  5. Ethan
  6. Christopher

  1. Alexander
  2. Joshua
  3. James
  4. Jayden

Baby Girl Names
  1. Isabella
  2. Madison
  3. Emma
  4. Olivia
  5. Abigail
  6. Ava
  7. Sophia
  8. Emily
  9. Elizabeth
  10. Chloe


Baby Boy Names
  1. William
  2. Jacob
  3. Ethan
  4. Joshua
  5. Michael
  6. Christopher
  7. James
  8. Matthew
  9. Jayden
  10. Alexander

Baby Girl Names
  1. Emma
  2. Abigail
  3. Madison
  4. Emily
  5. Olivia
  6. Isabella
  7. Sophia
  8. Ava
  9. Elizabeth
  10. Chloe


Baby Boy Names
  1. William
  2. Jacob
  3. Christopher
  4. Joshua
  5. Michel
  6. Ethan
  7. James
  8. Matthew
  9. Ryan
  10. John

Baby Girl Names
  1. Madison
  2. Abigail
  3. Emily
  4. Olivia
  5. Emma
  6. Isabella
  7. Hannah
  8. Ava
  9. Elizabeth
  10. Sophia
Baby Boy Names
  1. William
  2. Jacob
  3. Michael
  4. Joshua
  5. Christopher
  6. Ethan
  7. Andrew
  8. Matthew
  9. James
  10. Joseph

Baby Girl Names
  1. Madison
  2. Emily
  3. Abigail
  4. Emma
  5. Hannah
  6. Sarah
  7. Ava
  8. Olivia
  9. Elizabeth
  10. Isabella


Baby Boy Names
  1. William
  2. Jacob
  3. Michael
  4. Joshua
  5. Matthew
  6. Christopher
  7. Ethan
  8. Andrew
  9. Ryan
  10. James

Baby Girl Names
  1. Emily
  2. Madison
  3. Emma
  4. Hannah
  5. Abigail
  6. Sarah
  7. Olivia
  8. Elizabeth
  9. Alexis
  10. Sophia


Baby Boy Names
  1. Jacob
  2. William
  3. Michael
  4. Matthew
  5. Christopher
  6. Joshua
  7. John
  8. Nicholas
  9. Andrew
  10. James

Baby Girl Names

  1. Hannah
  2. Emily
  3. Sarah
  4. Madison
  5. Alexis
  6. Elizabeth
  7. Ashley
  8. Kayla
  9. Taylor
  10. Lauren


Baby Boy Names
  1. Michael
  2. Matthew
  3. Christopher
  4. Joshua
  5. William
  6. Brandon
  7. James
  8. Tyler
  9. Jacob
  10. John

Baby Girl Names
  1. Jessica
  2. Emily
  3. Sarah
  4. Ashley
  5. Taylor
  6. Brittany
  7. Rachel
  8. Samantha
  9. Hannah
  10. Kayla


Baby Boy Names
  1. Christopher
  2. Michael
  3. Joshua
  4. Matthew
  5. James
  6. William
  7. Robert
  8. John
  9. Andrew
  10. David

Baby Girl Names
  1. Brittany
  2. Jessica
  3. Ashley
  4. Amanda
  5. Sarah
  6. Lauren
  7. Samantha
  8. Megan
  9. Emily
  10. Elizabeth


Baby Boy Names
  1. Christopher
  2. Michael
  3. Matthew
  4. Joshua
  5. James
  6. David
  7. John
  8. Brandon
  9. Robert
  10. William

Baby Girl Names
  1. Ashley
  2. Jessica
  3. Amanda
  4. Jennifer
  5. Sarah
  6. Heather
  7. Stephanie
  8. Elizabeth
  9. Megan
  10. Crystal


Baby Boy Names
  1. Michael
  2. Christopher
  3. Jason
  4. James
  5. David
  6. Robert
  7. John
  8. William
  9. Matthew
  10. Joshua

Baby Girl Names
  1. Jennifer
  2. Amanda
  3. Jessica
  4. Melissa
  5. Sarah
  6. Elizabeth
  7. Crystal
  8. Heather
  9. Kimberly
  10. Amy


Baby Boy Names
  1. Michael
  2. James
  3. David
  4. Robert
  5. William
  6. John
  7. Christopher
  8. Mark
  9. Charles
  10. Brian

Baby Girl Names
  1. Kimberly
  2. Jennifer
  3. Lisa
  4. Angela
  5. Michelle
  6. Melissa
  7. Tammy
  8. Amy
  9. Mary
  10. Karen


Baby Boy Names
  1. James
  2. David
  3. Michael
  4. Robert
  5. William
  6. John
  7. Mark
  8. Charles
  9. Richard
  10. Thomas

Baby Girl Names
  1. Mary
  2. Donna
  3. Deborah
  4. Patricia
  5. Susan
  6. Linda
  7. Cynthia
  8. Karen
  9. Brenda
  10. Sandra

All State Baby Names

Baby name data provided by the Social Security Administration, Office of the Chief Actuary.
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