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Ajmal kasab: A source for first Indian rope to Pakistani neck indicates direct confrontation of two

Ajmal kasab: A source for first Indian rope to Pakistani neck indicates direct confrontation of two states, in the original form of modern states.

I have no words to satisfy the relatives of those who lost the beloved in the terror attack carried out on 27/11/2008 by the Pakistani nationals, and I would never like to see again such attacks on our Indian territory by any other foreigner


A public prosecutor, Ujjwal Nikam, a real hero in his profession, gave no room through his most sophisticated form of presentation on behalf of the victims of the Mumbai terror attack to the Hon' judge of Mumbai special court. Public prosecutor, Ujjwal Nikam, who is the hero of covering the three dimensions of the Indian Society, viz, first in the list of the three is the press, and the next is politicians of the Indian country, and in the third is in the list is skill and labor of his own profession in presenting the case, based on the charge sheet which, contained 11000 pages, that had given chances to legal professionals in india to ask many questions in its preparations and all such questions in every development of the case's charge, were, published in all leading daily news papers in India just a gap of two or three days to the lead stories carried out by the news paper on each and every development in the case.. I do not want to go into the Vinita Kamte's complaint on the bullets issue in the case of charge sheet.

There were many issues in the provisions of providing an advocate to the foreigner accused/killer by the special court to plead on behalf of Ajmal Kasab, who is now awarded capital punishment in the Mumbai special court in at least four cases filed by the public prosecutor. The Mumbai special court awarded capital punishments in four cases to Ajmal Kasab


In essence Ajmal Jasab has been awarded a capital punishment of death by "hanging him till he died" in four cases


In a close observation of the judgment of the Mumbai special court," four death sentences" awarded to Ajmal Kasab, has to be ratified by the Maharastra high court

The Humble justice, of this case who was specially provided from the Mumbai high court in which he was working as registrar, and he came from the most backward region, Gondia district, of Maharashtra. He has delivered popular judgment of this case through more than 1000 pages, including his remarks and comments what he was observed while examining the evidences

On the other hand, the accused, Ajmal Kasab, who has been provided an opportunity to defend him at the cost of the court, the government of India in essence in this case, because the accused is from the Pakistan to represent accused on pleading no guilty in the court, the first in the list is Ms Anjali, and second is Abbas Kazmi, and the last is K.P Pawar. The reasons in changes of defense counsels are best known to those who are concerned with the case


Leading news papers in India have published the main points of the judgment in this case, besides the different opinions of the Mumbai high court, and Indian Supreme Court, stating the execution of the convicted in the Mumbai special court has to be approved by the Mahatashtra high court, and the convicted has every right to proceed to Supreme Court. On the confirmation of the capital punishment of the execution of the convicted by the Supreme Court, he has a right to file clemency petition to the president of India


In the history of executions of the convicted were not fixed in number to say exactly because there are conflicting versions from Indian government and the defenders of the civil liberties in India, in India after independence. If we say exactly the political executions are more in number than the other individual professional offenders. A name auto Shanker was known when he was executed in the list of individual professional offenders. And in the list of political field I can say Kishta Gouda and Bhumaiah from Andhra Pradesh during the emergency period in India. And then Maqbul Bhatt, who had been known for his roots, was Kashmir. In the case of Indira Gandhi's assassination case some one or two Beant Bingh or some other I have not their names in my memory, again in the case of Rajiv Gandhi, two are in the list of such convictions and in the Indian parliament' attack case, Afzal guru, is awarded the capital punishment. Here if we go into the details of the mercy petitions which are under considerations of the president of India, there would be minimum thirty


I, in some time back raised my voice in support of the two daliths from guntur in bus burning case with passengers, under the leadership of Sri K.G Satya Murthy,(Shiv Sager). Their petition was considered and reduced the capital punishment to the life time imprisonment.

On the other hand, thanks to the media, which was and is the principal player in highlighting the cases and neglecting the cases of such major executions depended upon the sole discretion of their own to carry on the incidents as news or forget the incidents as the news. Because they have their own accounts in carrying the incidents into the news and neglecting the incidents as news to carry out without considering the social responsibilities to resume that they are also the members of Indian society. And the media is whoever have the name cover of it feels that they are not reporting the incidents as news but they are creating the news from the angles of the incidents. So it is not wrong to blame them by saying that they are the news creators and not the news reporters. Even they do not know the content has so much of its origin and reasons, but they produce it according to their own and lives in a feeling that they have the sole right of the proprietary on the content.

Consequently the numbers of executions are conflicting from the point of official and unofficial accounts in India. It is a reason to believe that the rejection of the clemency petitions by the president of India, the court orders could be implemented accordingly and the executions could be carried out silently, without any press notes in public to the press and the press and media that could be unaware in the record and in some time perhaps aware about such executions they felt to put off the record what they have been in practice for their own calculations. In one account there are more than one thousand executions were taken place in India without any issuance of public notifications by the jailers, in various parts of the country. in the news channels a hang man who offered to hang  ajmal kasab.becasuse his father hanged the assassins of indira gandhi, one jail authorities offered to supply a rope for hanging him without appropriate orders to hang him. An ordinary human can turn as terrorist. But the state should not turn as killer. At the same time killing from any side in civil society is inhuman. The state has the greatest responsibility to reform animals as humans. And no one on any name would ever be allowed to kill or to be killed on any claim in civil society. The human beings in primitive societies who made the animals as their friends and won the war against the nature by getting all its resources for their benefits and now the same humans are following the way to destroy the civil society with the help of machines. Of course this is another question.

The government of India should handle this case more diplomatically than legally through the process of courts in India. This case has the universal attention on how this case would be solved whether through diplomatic ways or leaving the matter to the courts as the Pakistani minister claimed that the Indo-Pak relations would have not have its impact and declared that they have no concerned with Ajmal Kasab. At the same time these two states have decided themselves on how to deal the case of terrorist Ajmal Kasab. And these two states are in comfort arrangement with each other in the case of dealing of terrorism with their rigid methodology towards the terrorists in these two states. This kind of the way, these two states, opted sends an indication to the people of Pakistan and the clergy class which motivates the youth to kill the innocents in India for just pretty amounts they spends on terrors. It is better to spend their money in eradication of poverty in Pakistan. Moreover the religion, Islam is separate from the politics and politics are separate from the religion. This is the new age of capitalism and modernization in which the driving force is some other thing other than the religion. At the early period of expansion of Islam, it had the leaders of such caliphates who were and are exemplary in leadership and in sacrifices for the entire man kind in the history of Islam at that time. Now the ‘time' which has the powerful creative elements for the society and states for its developments towards advancements according to its time  and need of the system, applicable to the state.

However, the clergy class in Pakistan is not so capable of taking over the control of the state in Pakistan. If the clergy class was and is so competent to handle the causes and cases of Muslims in Pakistan, the military could not succeed in capturing the power in Pakistan. Pakistani military is always tending to dislodge the popular governments and after some time in rule they were put under pressure to conduct elections there in democratic form of government. Again next time they also loose the confidence of Pakistani people. It means the military class wants the power at centre and that could not handle it permanently to rule the people of Pakistan to the level of expectations of Pakistan.

On the other hand the clergy class would never be able to rule the people directly for a long period with the frame work of the political system which is not yet framed by themselves since their independence day. The clergy class could not come forward to rule the people by participating in elections directly but keeps their influence on the people through their speeches and literature of jihad. The ultimate sufferers are the people. Mr. Mohammed Ali Jinnah who was efficiently separated the politics from the religion during his life time and the same principle could not be continued by any other leader there in Pakistan.

The middle class people, who are actually engaged in charity works which have been prescribed by the Islam that is really the source for the terrorist activities in India. The middle class people, if they would stop funding the terrorist organizations in Pakistan, the fifty percent of the problem would be solved. At the same time the Pakistani government is not so much interested in establishing the academic schools according to the international standards, with relevant subjects. The international community which is more interested in arms and forces to curb the terrorist camps and armed forces than the constructive programs to carry out with a feeling that the people really in the basic needs, in Pakistan by offering opportunities in employment. and all the leaders of military and clergy class including middle class should focus on the rural development and in provision of civic amenities simultaneously. Till that time no one more Ajmal Kasab take birth to create terror attacks in India on any name.

 In fact the Indian Muslims are better than the Pakistani Muslims if we compare with a point of progress and development, irrespective of the religious and territorial affiliations in calculating the cost of living in India and in Pakistan. if the middle class people really concerned with the poor, they should contribute their amounts to spend for the poor despite funding the terrorist camps there in Pakistan. on the other hand, the clergy class should fight first to form a system of governance and lead the people towards power at different levels in purely political way. And then they force the leaders to follow the moral values in political system through their good governance. because the religion which was once upon a time have a driving force of all the people now lost its credibility to follow in daily life there in Pakistan. Military class wants political power and disturbs frequently the political system. And the political system is in poor performance while in power and committed highest level of corruption and lowered the faith and belief of the people in their ruling style. So that the people is looking at the military class for good government in their state..

 Military class was busy in politicizing all issues to stick to the power by forgetting the progress of the people. At the same time the clergy class which is in the most backward ideology to lead the masses into their fold. But they always try to influence the people indirectly. Consequently so many like Ajmal Kasabs in Pakistan with terror in India. Hence it is the duty of all Pakistani people to see that their activities be confined to their territories only. Otherwise Indian government would never be blamed for its aggression against Pakistan in future.

Ayub Mohammed
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