Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Christian Fantasy Book - Arana"s Visitor

Arana's Visitor by Julie Rollins, a review Book 1 of the Vadelah Chronicles Self-published in 2005, 288 pages Worldview: Christian.
This book will appeal mostly to Christians.
David Decker, a college student, and his roommate Todd are driving on a country road one night when they see a red-hot plane make an emergency landing.
On a hunch, they rescue the pilot, an alien, hide him from authorities at a roadblock, and take him home.
At first they don't trust him.
But they decide to shelter him from bad guys in the government who know of the crash and are looking for the alien.
This is Gyra, a very intelligent being who looks a lot like a bird and has both wings and arms.
Once the bad guys figure out who is sheltering Gyra, David and Todd take Gyra and leave town.
They teach Gyra English and disguise him as a man in a chicken costume advertising a local restaurant, a scenario with comic moments.
At the same time, David, a Christian, witnesses to Gyra and shows him his Bible.
Gyra is captivated.
David and Todd help Gyra get the metals he needs to repair his ship.
In Gyra's hair-raising escape, David on the spur of the moment decides to come along, because Gyra is injured.
And so in a switcheroo, David becomes the alien on Gyra's planet Arana learning Gyra's language.
Gyra is out of the picture, in a coma from his injuries, and so Gyra's people suspect David of having hurt Gyra.
David learns that his home planet is the first place that the Lord made life, but not the last.
These gentle bird-aliens have sophisticated space travel but fear Earth and have marked it off-limits because of the evil that comes from there.
Naturally they suspect David of being evil too.
But they are looking for fulfillment of a prophecy involving someone bringing news from Earth.
This book is very well told and well edited.
The pacing is good.
Rollins is able to grab your emotions and tell a tale of good and evil on a galactic scale.
I really enjoyed reading it.
You will too.
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