Lately, I have been fascinated by this subject, how to have a boy baby...
It has been a real eye opener for me.
Up until a couple of weeks ago, I never thought it important enough to give a second thought, but my ideas have changed as I research the concept.
People genuinely care about the topic.
They ask questions about it, they give it enough time and energy to spend oodles of money, yet they still don't get the answers they are looking for.
Medical science has come up with a fail safe method for the best way to conceive a boy.
It is generally called sperm sorting, and it is highly impersonal, extremely complicated, and very expensive.
Conception takes place invitro, that is in a test tube, and mom is impregnated artificially.
This works for some, but if you don't have the resources to tackle this venture then take a step back, look around you at all the families you know, and think...
Ever wonder why some families are all girls, or all boys? The argument is that it runs in the family; A strong inherent factor at play.
Perhaps you should be asking yourself some questions.
What positions did they assume when they had intercourse? How deep was the penetration? Did the mother achieve orgasm? What was the mother eating? Yes eating...
Did she have food preferences.
Of course these are highly personal questions, and no one expects you to run off and ask people a bunch of intimate questions on they did to conceive a boy.
But biology plays a big part in how to have a boy baby.
This might sound like pure fiction to you, but the sexual habits you practice, and the food you eat translate into biology that has a strong predisposition to chemically change the environment of the woman's vagina.
It has been a real eye opener for me.
Up until a couple of weeks ago, I never thought it important enough to give a second thought, but my ideas have changed as I research the concept.
People genuinely care about the topic.
They ask questions about it, they give it enough time and energy to spend oodles of money, yet they still don't get the answers they are looking for.
Medical science has come up with a fail safe method for the best way to conceive a boy.
It is generally called sperm sorting, and it is highly impersonal, extremely complicated, and very expensive.
Conception takes place invitro, that is in a test tube, and mom is impregnated artificially.
This works for some, but if you don't have the resources to tackle this venture then take a step back, look around you at all the families you know, and think...
Ever wonder why some families are all girls, or all boys? The argument is that it runs in the family; A strong inherent factor at play.
Perhaps you should be asking yourself some questions.
What positions did they assume when they had intercourse? How deep was the penetration? Did the mother achieve orgasm? What was the mother eating? Yes eating...
Did she have food preferences.
Of course these are highly personal questions, and no one expects you to run off and ask people a bunch of intimate questions on they did to conceive a boy.
But biology plays a big part in how to have a boy baby.
This might sound like pure fiction to you, but the sexual habits you practice, and the food you eat translate into biology that has a strong predisposition to chemically change the environment of the woman's vagina.