Home & Garden Pest Control

Should You Worry About The Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach?

The Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach mostly lives under loose bark on trees, and inside hollow trees.
You'll also find them living under shake that decorates houses, and often in piles of wood.
The male grows to its shortest length of seven-eighths inch long, and up to one and a quarter inches.
The female is shorter with lengths that range from one-half inch up to three-fourth inch.
This is a long, narrow cockroach.
The color of the adult is dark chocolate.
A creamy white band edges the back of the adult's head.
Male Pennsylvania roaches are strong flyers, and have wings that extend the full length of their bodies.
Female wood roaches don't fly so much.
Their wings only cover their stomachs.
The color of the wing is light tan.
Wood roach eggs hatch in summer.
The babies grow to adulthood over the winter months.
This insect mates in spring after reaching maturity.
During the mating season any light attracts the male.
They often fly into a home (toward a light) through open doors and windows.
The female grows an average of thirty egg capsules during her life.
Each capsule is around a half-inch long, and holds thirty-two to thirty-six eggs.
When the capsule is ready for hatching she places it under loose tree bark, in piles of wood, or similar places where there's protection for them until they hatch.
This cockroach lives abundantly in wooded areas across the United States.
As the name (Pennsylvania) suggests it thrives in northern states.
The wood roach is very active all year-long, even through the cold winter months.
Contrary to the species this roach is not strictly a tropical insect.
Pennsylvania Wood Cockroaches frequently invade homes located in woods or near wooded areas.
These invasions are not intentional on the part of the roach.
This insect is an outdoor creature.
It cannot live inside the home environment.
Once it enters a household it soon dies.
The Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach does not pose any infestation threat to your home.
You'll rarely see this roach inside your home.
If you do see this insect inside you can ignore it if you like.
Or you can capture it, release it back outdoors, or kill it and throw it in the trash.
When you find the wood roach living under shake siding use an insecticide spray to eliminate it.
For most sightings of the Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach no pest control treatment is necessary.
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