Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Power - The Source of All Achievements

Napoleon Hill in his bestseller "Think & Grow Rich" states that power is essential for success in the accumulation of wealth.
His argument is that plans are useless and cannot be turned into action unless someone is properly empowered to carry them through.
He defines power as an organized and intelligently directed knowledge, an organized effort necessary to enable an individual to transform desire into money.
Such effort requires coordination between two or more people who work in common towards the same goal.
Let's assume that the goal is to conduct a major project.
Such endeavor would require an intelligent person, one who plans and directs the project so as to coordinate the knowledge and effort of the group of people working on it.
Hill calls it the "Master Mind": "No two minds ever come together without a third hidden, intangible force which may be assimilated to a third mind.
Among the greatest master minds of the 20th century, Hill names Henry Ford and Gandhi who in different circumstances and with different aims have demonstrated outstanding power and success in attaining their respective goals.
Good will and consensus are keys to success in every enterprise.
Every man who manages a business knows how difficult it is to achieve social peace.
Hence the reason why every modern manager spends so much time and efforts into building a workforce which work together for a common goal.
This is what Hill calls the great universal storehouse of Infinite Intelligence: "When two or more people coordinate in a spirit of good will and consensus, and work towards the same objective, they place themselves in position, through that alliance, to absorb power from the great universal storehouse of Infinite Intelligence".
In any circumstances, people working on the same project or in the same enterprise must build together a synergy of energy, commitment and excitement to create and implement strategies, brainstorm plans, and support each other with complete straightforwardness, openness, and sincerity.
This powerful alliance of minds will achieve wonders.
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