Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Morning Sickness FAQs

Morning sickness unfortunately isn't confined to the morning.
Some frequently asked questions answered.
I feel nauseated all the time - not just in the morning - throughout the day, is this normal? Unfortunately, morning sickness is not limited to the morning and around 60 to 80 percent of women reportedly feel nauseous in the morning, evening and night.
Misery loves company so while you may feel better reading this and knowing you are not alone, this doesn't mean you should treat it likely.
Speak to your doctor at once especially if you keep vomiting.
You may even need to be hospitalised because if you keep throwing up both you and your baby will get dehydrated.
You will probably need to be hydrated intravenously with the help of electrolytes, fluids and glucose.
Can morning sickness affect my baby? If your morning sickness is relatively mild, your baby will be absolutely fine, as long as you don't keep throwing up and are able to retain fluids and food.
What is important is that you must not be throwing up all the time so you get dehydrated.
As long as there is sufficient food and water in your body, your baby will be fine.
Remember to eat food rich in minerals and vitamins.
If you like your cornflakes, pick one up that's fortified with extra minerals.
Eat vitamin supplements along with food instead of taking them randomly throughout the day.
They are easier on the stomach.
Can I do anything to reduce nausea? Don't we wish there was some miracle cure for reducing morning sickness without any side effects? Unfortunately, there's nothing of the sort.
However, there are certain things that could help reduce morning sickness and soothe nausea.
Try eating small meals throughout the day.
If possible, keep chewing on something or the other.
The meals should be low in fat and high in carbohydrates.
Avoid eating foods with offensive odours as it may trigger nausea.
You will find that you feel nauseaus after eating certain foods.
Once you've figured out what makes you sick, stay away from it.
Another tip to help reduce nausea: Try taking 50 milligrams of vitamin B6 twice a day.
However, this does not work for all women but if it does work for you, great! In any case, the vitamin helps strengthen the immune system, helps metabolise certain amino acids and is good for you, so take it anyway.
Foods that include this vitamin are: oBananas oBrown rice oFish oWhole grains oCorn oNuts oAvocados How long will this morning sickness last? On an average, morning sickness lasts anywhere from three weeks to three months.
Some women hardly feel nauseous while others feel sick right up to their pregnancy.
However, it is rare that a woman feels nauseous throughout at the most eating something or a certain smell may trigger nausea.
Will I be more likely to develop motion sickness when pregnant? While there is no obvious link between motion sickness and pregnancy, anything can trigger off morning sickness, even motion; especially if you are slightly prone to motion sickness, the feeling will only get magnified.
Will a change of place or weather make me more prone to morning sickness? Yes, it is possible for you to feel sicker when you've moved to a new place, till you've adjusted to the place and climate.
If you have planned a holiday at a hill station, make sure you increase your water intake, as the climate is drier and dehydration is common.
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