Technology Networking & Internet

Begin To Blog-Comment Like A Professional

The power of guest commenting or blog commenting is truly remarkable. It has the power to push lots of traffic to your site. Not only traffic €" but targeted traffic! It does this in two ways: people can click your link and and be directed to your site; and also, your search engine ranking will be increased €" driving more traffic to your site. You now have a lot of links pointing toward your site and Google senses that you have a site with more authority - therefore they will place your relevant content higher in their search engine rankings! This article will give you tons of tips that will teach you how to blog-comment like a pro!

Search For Blog €" To comment on blogs, you need to find blogs to comment on. SEO Quake is a tool that you must be using. SEO Quake can show you, before you comment on it, the traffic rank. This will save you an incredible amount of time.
Things to remember:
If you want a strong back-link, you must comment on blogs with lots of traffic.
-Commenting on sites with high traffic will increase the odds of people coming to your blog. (low Alexa rank)
-Always comment on sites within the same niche as yours.

Follow Blogs €" There are endless ways that you can follow a blog or a site. The RSS reader from Google is one of the easiest! When you see a blog that you would like to follow €" look for the orange button with three slashes through it.After you choose an option, you are now following the blog.

First To Comment €" Get that first comment! Most sites show the oldest comment before the others €" just beneath the article. Because of this, if you are the first to comment €" your link will be just beneath the article. Your link, avatar, as well as comment will be the first thing on display.The higher you are on the page, the better your chances are to be clicked.
-If you check you Reader often, you will have a better chance of commenting first.

Good Avatar Picture €" Looks can kill! If your Gravatar looks sharp, the chances of someone clicking on your link will be increased. Tips & Hints:
-Show a human picture - yourself. Show people that you are not hiding your identity. Let them know you are human.
-Never have a frown or look upset! Nobody wants to see your depression. Smile!
-Upload an image that stands out among others.

Comment Luv €" This is a Plugin that can be installed to a WordPress blog. It allows you to leave a link to your most recent blog post after you have made a comment. If you have not installed this Plugin on your blog yet, you should do it immediately. Hint:
-Try to leave links to your posts that are similar to the topic that you have just commented on.

Be Friendly €" This is incredibly crucial. If you feel that they are incorrect on their post €" ignore it €" or politely discuss why you oppose. Blogging is about building relationships and friendships. If you start to comment on everyone's blog, your hopes should be that they will begin to comment back to you. Things to remember:
-Be friendly and build relationships
-Be sure to actually read their post and your comments should revolve around that particular post.
-Do not change the topic.
-Say more than €great post€. Nobody likes this. Read the article and elaborate on it.

Keep these steps and tips in your mind as you start to comment. You should comment over and over again. The more blogs you comment on, the more traffic you will receive! In a relatively short period of time, your website traffic will start to increase!
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