- 1). Log in to your "Myspace" account. On your home page you can change account settings, the look of your Myspace page and your top friends.
- 2). Single-click the "Change my Top Friends" link in the "My Friends Space" box. A new window with the amount of top friends you can have and the friends themselves will open.
- 3). Single-click the amount of "Top Friends" you want. There are six different choices. You can choose to display between four and 24 different "Top Friends."
- 4). Drag the pictures of each individual friend that you want in your "Top Friends" list up the list until it turns red. When the picture turns red it means that that particular friend is in your "Top Friends" list. Continue this until you have your "Top Friends" list complete.
- 5). Click the "Save" button at the top of "Top Friends" window and your "Top Friends" list will be updated.