Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

The Renegade Network Marketer by Ann Sieg - Does This Book Work?

Ann has been in the field of network marketing for 19 years already.
She entered the business after learning about the concept of having a leveraged income and knowing that network marketing was what she wanted to do.
Ann also likes the idea of working with people.
What she enjoys best about it is that as she looks for her own success, she can help other people succeed at the same time.
Like most people working in the network marketing business, Ann experienced many difficulties.
When she began, she only had 1 to 2 recruits every 5 months and that only lead her to having debts instead of boosting her career.
She couldn't figure out what's wrong because she was sure that she did everything she was told to.
She even got recognized as the top retailer twice in the company she worked for but it still didn't give her the satisfaction she wanted to have in her line of work.
Ann realized that after being in the business for a long time, she was only generating the same income she was earning when she started.
In other words, her career is neither going up nor down.
It just That was when Ann told herself she had enough and decided to turn things upside down.
She started doing things differently and came up with The Renegade Network Marketer.
The Renegade Network Marketer is a complete program which holds a great deal of marketing pieces, websites, emails, training materials and resources that are 100% generic.
This can help network marketers increase their revenue.
Included here are free and paid methods of promoting sites, details on how to efficiently apply them, proper composition of ads, graphics, articles, names of good companies to work with in the line of advertising, steps in following up leads and transforming them into opportunities, detailed procedures and techniques used by successful distributors and many more.
The Renegade program also comes with a number of bonuses such as subscription to the Renegade newsletter which is rich with the most recent tips and networking strategies, an audio disc teaching about "Selling without Being a Salesperson: The Surprising Keys to Fearless Comfort on the Phone", the complete Renegade Network Marketer unabridged audio training program and a special report on viral marketing titled as Virology: The Secret Science of Viral Marketing.
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