I've been studying what men have to say about what makes them happy in terms of women. I've really listened closely over the years to what they desire in a relationship. This means also listening carefully to marriages that collapsed to learn why they were miserable.
If you are feeling the pressure of time and want to land yourself a long term mate, and have a healthy partnership with children and to grow old together -- listen up! this stuff matters.
There is no order of importance here necessarily, but each item listed is really a big deal to guys. Take notes!
1. Faith
I don't mean religious faith, but rather faith in him. Every guy wants to be the commander of the ship. It's OK if you're a strong woman, but if you can't let him make some big decisions
and support his actions, and if he senses this early on -- this could be a deal breaker.
You can work together, but nothing is more frustrating for a guy than to have every thought, decision and action constantly questioned.
2. Someone Who Is A Good Conversationalist
This isn't what you think. Of course what men want in a relationship is someone that they can have wonderful conversations with, but something else more important...
No guy wants a girl who talks constantly, is too loud, or interrupts him. A man feels a sense of having no respect when with a girl who is like this, and when a guy feels respect from his
partner -- he is very happy, feels safe, feels appreciated and trusted.
Some key words in that last line - memorize them!
3. Someone Who Is Nurturing
If he was raised by a mother who wasn't that caring for him, then this may not matter, but
remember that most men are very close to the person that gave birth to them.
Men usually settle upon a woman who reflects their mother in terms of morals, support, affection, caring, etc.
A guy desires more than anything else to have a woman show love for him through her eyes, kiss him without him invoking it, playfully tease him, and a girl that he feels like she will be his best friend when he needs support.
4. Looks Matter
Again, not what you think. Most guys fall in love with the girl who really loves herself in a healthy manner.
Guys do get tired of women that constantly complain about their weight issues or how they look. This creates stress and makes women seem unattractive. Men ultimately do look for women who are more relaxed like most guys about their presence.
But, it is important that a woman work a little at looking her best when going places, because
a guy feels that this is done out of appreciation for him, even if women do it just to look good to everyone.
Every man secretly wants to be proud of who is with. Some have referred to it as "the trophy
girl", but if he really loves you this won't overshadow a thing. It will just be the cherry on top.
5. Sincerity & Self Confidence
What men want in a relationship is also a woman who is true to herself. Unfortunately, all of those magazine models lead many women to believe that this is what guys want, but that couldn't be any farther from the truth.
Men don't want fakeness. They also don't want a woman who they feel will be a lot of work to
be with or take care of.
Nagging is something men despise. If it's justified, that's OK...but just being "whiney" as a guy might describe it, all the time, well that's no good.
If you are feeling the pressure of time and want to land yourself a long term mate, and have a healthy partnership with children and to grow old together -- listen up! this stuff matters.
There is no order of importance here necessarily, but each item listed is really a big deal to guys. Take notes!
1. Faith
I don't mean religious faith, but rather faith in him. Every guy wants to be the commander of the ship. It's OK if you're a strong woman, but if you can't let him make some big decisions
and support his actions, and if he senses this early on -- this could be a deal breaker.
You can work together, but nothing is more frustrating for a guy than to have every thought, decision and action constantly questioned.
2. Someone Who Is A Good Conversationalist
This isn't what you think. Of course what men want in a relationship is someone that they can have wonderful conversations with, but something else more important...
No guy wants a girl who talks constantly, is too loud, or interrupts him. A man feels a sense of having no respect when with a girl who is like this, and when a guy feels respect from his
partner -- he is very happy, feels safe, feels appreciated and trusted.
Some key words in that last line - memorize them!
3. Someone Who Is Nurturing
If he was raised by a mother who wasn't that caring for him, then this may not matter, but
remember that most men are very close to the person that gave birth to them.
Men usually settle upon a woman who reflects their mother in terms of morals, support, affection, caring, etc.
A guy desires more than anything else to have a woman show love for him through her eyes, kiss him without him invoking it, playfully tease him, and a girl that he feels like she will be his best friend when he needs support.
4. Looks Matter
Again, not what you think. Most guys fall in love with the girl who really loves herself in a healthy manner.
Guys do get tired of women that constantly complain about their weight issues or how they look. This creates stress and makes women seem unattractive. Men ultimately do look for women who are more relaxed like most guys about their presence.
But, it is important that a woman work a little at looking her best when going places, because
a guy feels that this is done out of appreciation for him, even if women do it just to look good to everyone.
Every man secretly wants to be proud of who is with. Some have referred to it as "the trophy
girl", but if he really loves you this won't overshadow a thing. It will just be the cherry on top.
5. Sincerity & Self Confidence
What men want in a relationship is also a woman who is true to herself. Unfortunately, all of those magazine models lead many women to believe that this is what guys want, but that couldn't be any farther from the truth.
Men don't want fakeness. They also don't want a woman who they feel will be a lot of work to
be with or take care of.
Nagging is something men despise. If it's justified, that's OK...but just being "whiney" as a guy might describe it, all the time, well that's no good.