Lying in a hammock is the ultimate way to unwind and relax.
Hammocks are now becoming more popular in gardens throughout the world.
There are various types of hammocks available today so it can be a little tricky to find the perfect hammock for you and your family.
The first thing you will need to decide on is where in your garden do you want to put your hammock in the shade or the sun or even beside the pool if you are lucky enough to have one.
Many people now opt for a portable hammock stand.
This holds a number of advantages, it can be moved around your garden allowing you to get the most from the sun and in the colder months they can be easily stored and because it is not out in the worst of the weather it will last considerably longer.
Hammocks are made from 3 main types of material, string ,rope and fabric and from these 3 different materials many different varieties of hammocks are now available.
The most popular hammocks today have all gotten their names from countries in central and south America, as this is where the hammock has it's origins.
The most popular hammocks today are the Brazilian.
Mayan, Mexican and Venezuelan hammocks, The list of hammocks that are available today is endless, many of the biggest manufacturers are dedicated to improving and building on the original designs that have been in use for hundreds of years.
Companies like Hatteras hammocks, Ewins and Pawleys Island have all built their success on offering hammocks that are durable long lasting and wonderfully comfortable.
When choosing a hammock you will also need to take into consideration who the hammock is for and who will be using that hammock the most, because a rope hammocks are not suitable for small children and fabric hammocks are not necessarily that suitable to use beside a pool, as they will constantly be getting wet in this situation it is much more advisable to choose a rope hammock.
Hammocks are now becoming more popular in gardens throughout the world.
There are various types of hammocks available today so it can be a little tricky to find the perfect hammock for you and your family.
The first thing you will need to decide on is where in your garden do you want to put your hammock in the shade or the sun or even beside the pool if you are lucky enough to have one.
Many people now opt for a portable hammock stand.
This holds a number of advantages, it can be moved around your garden allowing you to get the most from the sun and in the colder months they can be easily stored and because it is not out in the worst of the weather it will last considerably longer.
Hammocks are made from 3 main types of material, string ,rope and fabric and from these 3 different materials many different varieties of hammocks are now available.
The most popular hammocks today have all gotten their names from countries in central and south America, as this is where the hammock has it's origins.
The most popular hammocks today are the Brazilian.
Mayan, Mexican and Venezuelan hammocks, The list of hammocks that are available today is endless, many of the biggest manufacturers are dedicated to improving and building on the original designs that have been in use for hundreds of years.
Companies like Hatteras hammocks, Ewins and Pawleys Island have all built their success on offering hammocks that are durable long lasting and wonderfully comfortable.
When choosing a hammock you will also need to take into consideration who the hammock is for and who will be using that hammock the most, because a rope hammocks are not suitable for small children and fabric hammocks are not necessarily that suitable to use beside a pool, as they will constantly be getting wet in this situation it is much more advisable to choose a rope hammock.