Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

How To Gain In Height Naturally

I had a friend who was so obsessed about his height that every time we talked he would always include the topic about being tall and ask the question, "Why am I too small"? And he was always telling me that he envied me of my height. It started to irritate me after a while and, because of that, I urged him to search for stuff that can make a person tall.

As my research went on I've really learned a lot and the most interesting information is that about 80% of our height is due to genetics, and about 20% is due to other factors. For me it was one of the highlights of my research. It seemed like I had found gold in the garbage can. I'm so happy that it keeps me on searching about that 20% factor in a person's height.

I wanted to help my friend, but as the research went on the excitement of my heart suddenly stopped. You know why? Because I've found interesting information, but being interesting doesn't mean that it's good. This was about the fact that the age at which we stop growing fluctuates substantially. Girls almost always stop growing earlier than boys, on average 3 - 4 years earlier, which happens anywhere between ages of 14 and 21. Boys stop growing anywhere between the ages of 17 and 25.

Though knowing about this was good, it was still sad because my friend is already at the age 19 and he's still too short. But that information didn't cause me to stop looking for good answers.

As I continued my research I found another treasure again and this time it's not gold anymore... it's platinum. The information told me that there are still ways become tall, even after puberty. So, without wasting time I started researching more on how and what to do to gain height after puberty. Here are some of the things I found:

1. Maintain a good diet
2. Do regular exercise. Swimming, raising your seat while cycling, playing sports like basketball (or any sport that involves jumping), hanging off a bar while wearing ankle weights, sprinting, jumping rope and performing kicks
3. Sleeping up to 8-10 hours a day, and,
4. Having correct posture.

But these ideas cannot be useful without self-discipline because if we don't focus on this we'll get discouraged in fulfilling our aim to become taller. So let's discipline ourselves because that is one of the most important keys to success.
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