Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Why Does Everyone Think That Networking is Not a Real JOB!

If you could find a legal, real life paying career from home would it be your boss you missed! I don't think so.
I loved my old bosses and know I go and visit them.
But I don't have to answer to them anymore and I know that I was one of the lucky ones to start with! I also thought a lot of my co-workers but know we go for coffee or shopping.
Again I know that I was a lucky one! Would you miss your co-workers? I now go were I want when I want.
I just went to Florida last minute with my family! Nice Family time.
Can you do that or do you just get one week planned vacation each year? I work about two hours a day now, not eight plus the commute.
I sit at my computer in my pj's with my coffee.
Do you go to work to pay for your car, mortgage, groceries, credit card bills, clothing.
While I sit at home.
I would love to have you join me and you would have no work clothing, lunches, the junk everyone sells, or the office pools.
I use the money I save to make a difference when I'm out.
Maybe a coffee and sandwich for someone out on the street.
The teenagers in front of me struggling to pay for their lunch.
When I opened my eyes it is amazing how many people appreciate the little jester.
It makes me feel fabulous to! I can do these things now! Do you go to work for the stability? Not in today's world.
More people losing their jobs everyday.
Added to that the markets.
NO ONE is safe.
Is it the time away from your family and your home? I don't think so.
The great money you make? I don't think so! Even when you are one of the few lucky ones do you get to enjoy any of it? How is your job so great? Why do you think you need one? Because the media says so! How about a solid income from home? Match your work to your pay.
Have freedom and enjoy your work and free time.
Your own business can bring that to you.
Please do not think that it is not work.
It is but nothing is like being in charge of your own time and money.
You get to call all the shots and reap your own rewards.
So let people know that you have a life not a job.
You want a life not a job.
I'm free to live and I'll never have a job again.
Remember jobs are everywhere, that is what we are taught.
It is not about everyone having a job but that is what is normal.
I don't want a job and lots of people that terrifies but to bad for them.
I think outside the box! It is odd that the people who complain about money, their job, the commute, their co-workers are the ones telling you to get a job! Are they happy with their jobs! Become part of a lifestyle and do what is right for you! Working for yourself is absolutely the BEST thing you can do for your family and you! Please don't let people frighten you out of what you want.
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