Health & Medical Body building

How to Gain Weight For Skinny Guys - A Straight Forward Process to Get Packing on the Pounds

Every culture in the world has what they consider an ideal appearance.
These likes and dislikes may be based on displays of wealth, body modification or propagation of the species.
While beauty is, as the adage says, always in the eye of the beholder, there is also an underlying reason for it.
Maybe that's why how to gain weight for skinny guys is so important to some people.
There is nothing wrong with being skinny, but for men, it can be equated with weakness or even ill health.
When that's the case, guys want to know how to bulk up.
They may also want to do it for athletic reasons, allowing them to compete at a higher level.
Whatever the reason, here are some things men should keep in mind while trying to add extra pounds.
Yes, obesity is a problem in many parts of the world, but what we're talking about is healthy weight gain.
Let's face it, being scrawny isn't attractive, and not always healthy.
The key is to add weight the right way.
Just as there are two major ways to lose weight, there are two major ways to gain it: through proper diet and exercise.
The proper diet for gaining weight isn't all that complicated.
It's about choosing the right foods and reducing your intake of not-so-good foods.
Vegetables, fruit, lean protein, whole grains and healthy fats are all good choices.
Because you are trying to add extra pounds, you don't have to be so careful about limiting your food intake.
All you need to do to gain an extra pound per week is eat an extra 500 calories per day.
However, there is another step to how to gain weight for skinny guys that needs to be considered, and that's exercise.
So, adding 500 calories per day to your current diet may not be enough because you will be burning off a lot of calories while exercising.
You will have to calculate how many extra calories you'll be expending and make up the difference.
But what kind of exercise is best? Great question, let's take a look at the answer.
To bulk up requires lifting as much weight as you can, and doing so with intensity.
This is where a lot of people make their mistake.
They think they need to go for endurance; doing tons of reps with lower weight to keep exercising the muscle.
The problem with doing it this way is that the muscles start to tire after a while and are not able to produce their fullest effort.
If you want to tone your muscles, then that's fine, but we're trying to add muscle mass.
Learning how to gain weight for skinny guys is a fairly straight forward process.
All it takes is a knowing what to do, having a plan, and following through on it.
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