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Bring On the ObamaCare Propaganda Media Blitz - Paid for By the Taxpayers

Well, President Obama's approval rating was sinking fast long about early summer 2013, and the US Congress their approval rating was in the low to mid-teens (cite: International Business Times article "Congress' Approval Rating At All-Time Low, Obama's At Lowest Since 2011," by Condor Adams Sheets, 7-26-2013).
Apparently, folks just don't trust their government anymore and they trust the media about as much too (cite: Gallup Politics Website - June 13, 2013 "Americans' Confidence in Congress Falls to Lowest on Record - Congress ranks last on list of 16 institutions; military earns top spot again," by Elizabeth Mendes and Joy Wilke - Gallup Poll).
You see in July of 2013 all the revelation on the Travon Martin case came to light, showing that the US citizen had been snookered by the media once again (cite: Journalism.
org "How Blogs, Twitter and Mainstream Media Have Handled the Trayvon Martin Case," Special Report published March 30, 2012).
Then as all the dust and debris was settling, the Obama Administration found some money in their budget to spend on PR to do a pro-media blitz on ObamaCare (cite: 7-14-2013 Forbes "Health Industry Begins Marketing Blitz To Educate About Obamacare," by Bruce Japsen).
Much of this government money and funds were supposed to be used to educate the public in case of things like Birdflu, such as where to get vaccinated or what to do to minimize your chances of getting it, however this money was now being diverted for propaganda because no one wants ObamaCare.
Now, not even the unions who are the major Democrat supporters (cite: 7-12-2013 Washington Times "Electrical workers union jumps aboard anti-Obamacare bus," by Cheryl K Chumley), so apparently the Obama Administration PR machine is in full force hoping to use the media to support their last push forward to implement (cite: USA Today "Jarrett is Eager to Engage Before Showdown" 7-30-2013).
Okay so, I suspect it will be the same game plan as before, namely to send money to the media sources for advertising, and then enjoy the positive stories from, I guess what I would call; insider reporter operatives for the Obama agenda.
The real problem is that ObamaCare is a disaster, over-ridden with bureaucracy and cost and it can't even get out of its own way (cite: Wall Street Journal 7-20-2013 editorial by Howard Dean "Affordable Care Act's Rate Setting Mandate" and 7-7-2013 "ObamaCare Liar Subsidies," and Investor's Business Daily "Detroit Shows How ObamaCare Will Bankrupt the Country," 7-29-2013.
) Meanwhile, people's health insurance costs have doubled, some tripled - putting a huge wrench in the family budgets of the middle class (cite: Washington Post "Obamacare Spin 101: How to make premiums seem really cheap - or insanely expensive," by Sarah Kliff, 7-29-2013).
Not only that, but Kaiser Permanente has raised rates substantially very recently stating that these new rates will better reflect the marketplace.
Yes, true, the prices have been going up for everyone else, just ask anyone like me with BlueCross BlueShield Athem.
Interestingly enough, The USA Today sent an email "flash bulletin" breaking news story out on July 29, 2013 after the business day ended titled; "Health care costs rise at slowest rate in 50 years," written by Kelly Kennedy which stated; "Consumer health care costs have risen at the slowest pace in almost 50 years, the White House announced Monday.
Personal consumption spending rose 1.
1% over 12 months ending in May 2013, mostly because of decreases in hospital and nursing home services.
Restaurant sales and hiring have also gone up.
The data were released as President Obama started a drive to get eligible Americans to enroll in health insurance plans starting October first.
" Now then, I hate to burst anyone's bubble but all of this is less than accurate, and the numbers in my view have been manipulated just enough to make a cool sounding statement "50-years" in this case, but it isn't true, not even close actually, so let's do some fact checking here shall we? First, not only have health care costs risen significantly in the last 10-years and drastically in the last five, but health insurance costs have gone through the roof and stand to increase more as time goes on (cite: Baltimore Sun "Premiums to go up as much as 25 percent under health reform - Insurance administrator improves rates for plans to be sold on state exchange," by Andrea K.
Walker, 7-26-2013).
In fact, the Atlantic Journal-Constitution had published an article by Carrie Teegardin and Misty Williams titled; "Insurance chief's claim: health care law will inflate rates" on July 30, 2013 which stated; "Georgia Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens has filed an 'emergency request' with the Obama administration to delay approval of rates for individual health plans that he said will cost some consumers more than double what they are paying today.
" The problem is that insurance rates have already doubled for many, and thus, another doubling would be a dire burden on Middle Class families to the point of depriving them of any reasonable amount of spendable income to support the retail and service sector.
Further with regards to USA Today Press-Release article by Kelly Kennedy to coincide with President Obama's speech and kick-off of the ObamaCare roadshow and public relations campaign, I believe on should also note that this article - press release - propaganda piece was put out after the stock market and financial news had closed as to not get any debate - still, I believe a careful and meaningful dialogue on this topic is very much needed.
Let me share some more information with you if I might.
We have doctors bailing out of Medicare, employer ObamaCare mandates delayed (cite: Houston Business Journal "More Doctors Leave Medicare," July 30, 2013 by Bayan Raji) and as I've cited we have a doubling and tripling, perhaps even a quadruplin of insurance costs, and thus, we are building a bubble in the industrial health care complex (cite: "Forbes to Newsmax: Obama in a 'Bubble' as US 'Crumbles' Under ObamaCare," by Jim Meyers and John Bachman, 7-30-2013).
Okay so, with all this said and some 150 online articles under my belt about ObamaCare and 1000s of hours of research including reading the entire Affordable Care Act, I can safely and confidently give you my judgment on this.
In my (educated) opinion; there is nothing affordable about health care in the US, there is nothing affordable about health care insurance, and there is nothing honest about this latest PR blitz to get Americans to get on board with it.
Further, when it comes to the positive economic press releases and forward looking statements to make the public feel this administration has its act together and that everything will turn out okay - well, let's not forget we are at the top of a Bull Market (average bull markets last 39-months, we are at 46 months now) and the numbers we are being fed are not as stellar as they have been purported.
For instance, in this PR push claiming that the restaurant industry will do fine under ObamaCare noting that restaurant hiring is up - that's because of the one-year delay of ObamaCare, not due to ObamaCare's worderfully written text or the economic validity of the law as it stands.
Likewise if Real Estate is up due to manipulation of foreclosure law causing hidden inventory and decent mortgage rates for new homes, this doesn't mean the real estate and construction sectors are fully recovered and will continue their march upward on this trajectory.
This is why I believe it is far too early for the Obama Administration to take a victory lap on the economy, especially as the health care sector is on the verge of chaos (for reasons cited above), and in my opinion it is disingenuous to purport such stellar numbers (lowest health care increases in 50-years) just prior to the giant raises in health care insurance and costs of companies like Blue Cross, Kaiser, and the rest.
All of this, I see as political spin to prop up an agenda and thus, I dare to ask the question; when is the media going to come clean and report the truth about ObamaCare? That's the way I see it, how do you see it? Email me or post a comment below please, let's have an honest debate.
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