Going green has become more important than ever. It has a great number of benefits that can not only help the planet overall, but help people think of better ways to improve their living and working conditions all while saving energy and money. LEED was established by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) to achieve multiple goals by use of these standards. Often the phrase "environmentally sustainable construction" is used to refer to the standards and goals of LEED. Logical Green Institute is the Green Building Consulting firm that proudly supports the United States Green Building Council core purpose to transform the way buildings and communities are built and operated and also provides Green Building Education Services. The US Green Building Council is committed to building a prosperous and sustainable future through cost-efficient and energy-saving green buildings. Our classes efficiently and effectively train in energy and environment design. With our LEED Education Services you can become a LEED Green Associate. At LGI, LEED training will provide you with the education needed for energy efficiency, building materials selection, indoor environmental quality, sustainable site development and water savings.
Getting LEED green certification has numerous benefits for a company. LEED or Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design is a green building certification system recognized internationally. It gives third party verification that a building has employed strategies designed to improve water efficiency, indoor environmental quality, CO2 emission reduction, energy savings, stewardship of resources and thoughtfulness about the impact the building will have on the environment in the building's design and use. Established by Rob Hink and Jeffrey J Collins, Logical Green Institute has a combined experience of over 150 LEED projects. LGI rely on the strength of its founding partners. Rob Hink is Education Director of Logical Green Institute. He is involved in more than 200 LEED projects worldwide. He is a member of the USGBC LEED faculty team and has conducted LEED workshops for over 3000 professionals.
By using green technology you do more than just feel good about helping to sustain the environment. With geothermal systems and effective landscape design you can actually save money on energy costs such as heating and electricity. As a Green Building consulting and LEED Education firm, LGI apply creativity to customize design solutions to reflect the individuality of our client, and at the same time make them economically viable. Logical Green Institute creates videos using our real-world experiences that help our clients to achieve LEED Innovative Credit. Our professional videos help you create a dynamic focus for your Green project as you apply for the Innovation in Design LEED.
Getting LEED green certification has numerous benefits for a company. LEED or Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design is a green building certification system recognized internationally. It gives third party verification that a building has employed strategies designed to improve water efficiency, indoor environmental quality, CO2 emission reduction, energy savings, stewardship of resources and thoughtfulness about the impact the building will have on the environment in the building's design and use. Established by Rob Hink and Jeffrey J Collins, Logical Green Institute has a combined experience of over 150 LEED projects. LGI rely on the strength of its founding partners. Rob Hink is Education Director of Logical Green Institute. He is involved in more than 200 LEED projects worldwide. He is a member of the USGBC LEED faculty team and has conducted LEED workshops for over 3000 professionals.
By using green technology you do more than just feel good about helping to sustain the environment. With geothermal systems and effective landscape design you can actually save money on energy costs such as heating and electricity. As a Green Building consulting and LEED Education firm, LGI apply creativity to customize design solutions to reflect the individuality of our client, and at the same time make them economically viable. Logical Green Institute creates videos using our real-world experiences that help our clients to achieve LEED Innovative Credit. Our professional videos help you create a dynamic focus for your Green project as you apply for the Innovation in Design LEED.