- 1). Turn your shape around a center point if you want to do a rotation. The point can be inside or outside the shape, or it can be on the edge of the shape. The distance between any point on your shape and the center will not change during the entire rotation; if you trace the path that any point takes during the rotation, you will end up with a circle.
- 2). Flip your shape over a line instead of a point to end up with a reflection. As with rotation, each point in your shape will be the same distance from this line after you're finished. The line can run through the shape, along the edge of the shape, or it can be a distance from the shape.
- 3). Push your shape in a desired direction to accomplish translation. Imagine sliding a piece of furniture straight ahead or at an angle, as long as it continues to face the same direction. After you graph the shape, just add the desired amounts to your x and y coordinates for each point to move the shape.
- 4). Select a center point and draw lines from each corner of your shape to that center point to begin resizing. If you want to make a larger figure, continue the lines out past the corners as well. Then find new points along those lines that reflect your desired proportion. If you want to create a half-size shape, put dots at the midpoints of those lines, which you can find by averaging the respective x and y values of the points.