Society & Culture & Entertainment Education

A-Game in Learning

Have you ever really stopped and taken the time to understand the process of learning? Many people think that learning comes by observation, reading or perhaps listening to a lecture by someone of authority.
Well, yes and no.
The real process of learning, which I cover in my book, Breaking You In a World of I, is that we only learn on an internally private basis.
When we hear something, we repeat it back to ourselves; breaking it into pieces for our own personal understanding.
People who don't agree with something they're told, regardless of the source, will not learn that particular lesson.
To have an A-Game in learning, one must understand the fact that they are accepting information, but until it's completely analyzed back and forth, up and down, there will not be any useful information retained.
Let me break this down further.
Would you believe me if I told you that everyone in the world is a genius, but have never been informed of such? Take a gander at the life of Leonardo Da Vinci.
He was considered a genius, but by who's standards? Where did he get his certificate? Truth of the matter, the only reason Leonardo was considered a genius or, incredibly intelligent, was because he took the time to study, analyze and then either accept or deny what he found worked.
When he observed and focused on his point of interest, he basically asked himself, what is this object doing? What he didn't do was to determine what he thought the object should be doing from his point of view, but what the object actually did.
It's widely known that as human beings, we learn by observation and experience.
We usually take information we read or hear and find a similar incident from our life that we can relate to.
This is why many young students may have a hard time learning a subject such as Algebra; they have nothing to draw information from.
They have to understand the material for what it is, not what they hope it to be.
Using metaphors will always work wonders for beginning algebra students.
If one wants to have an A-Game in learning, they have to hear something, repeat it to themselves, analyze it, decide if it's factual for them and, then, accept or deny.
True learning only comes when information is processed from within and scrutinized analytically for accuracy.
It may take days, weeks or months before someone is willing to actually take data from a source, such as a lecturer, and analyze it.
The lecturer is not a part of the learning equation.
Sure, he may stand at his podium and spew out information, but again, the Being must make analytical sense of it internally before it can be of use on any other level.
Hence, the book, Breaking You In the World of I, is all about the individual and exactly how they process all information.
It may be a scary thought, but you have probably never learned that you have never touched another human being, or that you process information so fast that you not only hear someone's words, but you finish their sentence before it's completely delivered.
You're such a super human being that you anticipate every sound wave.
So, what does this have to do with learning? The more you understand how much of a genius you truly are, the more capable you are of great success throughout your life.
Students that want to increase their test scores or just better their ability to understand their school subjects would obviously do well to increase their reading comprehension.
When was the last time you read past a word that you didn't understand? One might read a paragraph three or four times and not know what they read by the end because of a word they thought they knew, but truly didn't.
If students truly understood how they learned information, they may be less likely to pass unfamiliar words.
To have an A-Game in learning there are things one must not do: pretend to understand when you don't, just agree with something because one says it's true, dumb yourself down because your view doesn't match with everyone else.
Do you think Albert Einstein cared what others would think about E MC2? It's been reported that he was a failure in math during his formative years.
Later, he decided to understand and learn on a personal level.
He wasn't fighting with a teacher's point of view, he was throwing out bad information he'd received and replaced it with factual information.
Years ago, I came across a kid I had coached in baseball.
He was now on the high school team but was in fear of being kicked off because his GPA was low.
I asked him what subject he was having a problem with and it turned out to be math.
I knew what he was going through because when I was his age, I too, had a problem with math.
If someone had pointed out the information I'm about to share, a whole new world may have opened up for me.
Since I knew the kid was an accomplished athlete in baseball, I asked him questions that he could associate with.
"What is a triple?" He proceeded to explain what a triple is? "How many strikes until you're out?" "Three," he responded.
"If you hit a ball where do you run?" "To first base," came the correct answer.
I asked the kid a few more questions regarding baseball and he answered every one of them correctly.
"So, you know the rules to baseball, right?" He responded, "Yes, I know the rules.
" "Well," I said, "that's all that math is; a bunch of rules.
Know the rules and you can't go wrong.
" Is it really that simple, knowing the rules? Yes, it is! When it comes to the learning process, sometimes we need to step back and realize that the facts or answers aren't hiding from us, we just need to understand how to view them or the rules they follow.
We need to see them for what they are, what they do, not what we want them to be.
Do you want an A-Game in learning? Next time someone is lecturing or you're reading something that is a potential lesson, slow down and really absorb what the process is of that moment-you hear/read the information, you repeat it to yourself, you analyze it and then accept or deny it.
If you accept it, you have learned.
If you deny it, you have decided to retain your previous information.
Whatever you do, don't deny just for the sake of being right, otherwise, you'll never learn anything that brings you closer to an A-Game.
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