- Students have more academic success when their parents are actively involved in their education. Consider developing a weekly newsletter to be sent home with students so that parents are kept up to date on what is going on in the classroom. Encourage parents to come to you with any questions or suggestions for the school year.
- Develop activities that allow for collaboration between students. It is important that children begin to learn the skills that are necessary to work in groups during elementary school. Activities that allow students to talk to one another and share ideas also help them to fully understand the material by encouraging them to explain the activity to one another.
- Take a hands-on approach to teaching. By using props to help students better understand the lessons you are teaching, you can help foster the learning of those students who are visual learners. Some activity ideas include demonstrating scientific ideas with simple experiments or using costumes to show how people dressed in historical times.
- Let your students know that they can trust you. Classrooms are sometimes a place where bullying can occur, making learning difficult and stressful for some students. Encourage students to come to you with any problems that they are experiencing, whether in the classroom or at home. Be an advocate for your students. Be fair and disciplined in any actions you take.
Open Communication
Collaboration Between Students
Hands-On Approach
Inspire Trust