Health & Medical Self-Improvement

You May Know Who They Really Are - But Do They?

One of the gifts that I came in with, was born with, was the ability to see the God in each person.
It's true.
I didn't know this nor could I have described it as such, until I had accumulated some years and many experiences.
Many called me Mary Poppins or Pollyanna, because I would just look right past someone's stuff and see the Good.
It was like I had blinders on.
I suppose this is where the saying comes from, "love is blind".
Of course, as life went on and I took a few blows which totally blindsided me, I had to start asking myself a few questions.
Why did this happen to me and how could this have been prevented? It took awhile, but the first piece of the puzzle came clear to me when I wrote my first book.
In opening and operating a restaurant successfully in San Diego, I subsequently set out to discover what I had done as a manager and leader that had made it so successful.
It took awhile.
First I wrote the stories, and then I had to figure out what the link was in the stories.
I, as it turned out, was the link.
Specifically, I realized that my "gift" was that I only saw the God in people, which inspired them to give me more of the same.
I knew this was the Truth, because I knew beyond any doubt that people were really Good at heart.
I'd just known that all my life.
What couldn't be explained by this was how they could behave to quite the contrary and do some pretty despicable things.
Of course, more years went by with my having my share of Good experiences and then, thwack! I'd be stunned, like I'd never seen it coming, which I did not.
As Life would have it, I became roommates with a cop, a law enforcement officer, the fuzz.
Here is where I learned that the things I was absolutely missing, were things that others clearly saw from the get go.
While I was focused only on their God-self, what I was not seeing was what each person believed and felt about himself.
I love my "gift".
It is pretty easy for me to navigate life and just see the Good in people, because I am predisposed to do so.
I had to train myself to listen and pay attention to what they were telling me about what they believed about themselves.
Whatever someone believes and feels - indeed values about himself, is what they will present to you after the "glow" is over.
Personal and spiritual development are one in the same.
As you grow yourself allowing more of your Spirit to flow into your daily life, you are practicing applied spirituality.
This usually means better quality relationships because you are paying close attention to how things are feeling within.
You feel the Love and you know that your own Godchip is on board with you in that moment.
This feeling is telling you all systems are go, this is on your path and congruent with your Intentions for your life.
Pay close attention when it doesn't feel that good.
Perhaps it is neglecting to phone you.
Perhaps it is an attitude.
Perhaps it is something as simple as personal hygiene or a manner of speech.
The key is, if it doesn't feel Good to you, it is time to listen up, for these are the moments and instances where he/she is telling you how much they love him/herself.
This is what they believe about him/herself.
You can know in your heart and soul Who They Really Are; but if they don't, you must keep both your eyes and heart wide open.
Hold the space for Who They Really Are? Absolutely.
Do you stay or go? That's for you to decide.
But remember Who You Are: God having a physical adventure and already worthy and deserving of what your heart absolutely wants.
So, don't settle and don't be naive.
Feel your way through each moment.
And pay attention: they are telling you everything you need to know, if you FEEL.
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