Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Save Marriage From Divorce - Review of Amy Waterman

'Save My Marriage Today' by Amy Waterman is a book designed to help save marriage from divorce.
This review is designed to assess the reasons for its online popularity.
A bit of healthy scepticism should prevail when we approach these publications, especially when we consider what's at stake here.
Firstly I can speak with some personal experience of divorce myself.
So I am in a better position than many to assess the products on the market place.
While advice should not be shunned, it should be the right advice.
While family members mean well and are biased towards your point of view, this emotion might not be helpful when assessing the sitation you find yourself in.
Let's have a look then at the Waterman product:- 1.
Pricing Not cheap compared to other books and so called "systems" if we do a quick search on Amazon.
But is it a case of "you get what you pay for?" 2.
Approach Waterman approaches the subject in plain English and is an obvious step by step approach which does not rely on psychological concepts.
Presumably Time is of the essence.
If you are trying to save a marriage from divorce, then a few weeks understanding what Freud said in 1900 isn't really going to impress your estranged loved one! 3.
Content The easiest way is to give in to your spouse's demands but Waterman emphasises assertion as opposed to aggression in resolving issues.
Listening also works.
But uppermost is the need to replace stress with reasoned thought.
Extras Amy Waterman also includes another book "How to Cheat Proof Your Relationship" which is written in similar style and concentrates on an aspect if relationships that concerns everyone.
How do I know I am the only one? 5.
Terms There's a 60 day money back guarantee which, when you think about it, is not a bad way of recommending your work.
It's a tall order to repair a damaged marriage and yet Waterman has the courage of her convictions to allow readers to check progress over a whole two months.
Verdict Not cheap but bearing in mind the money back guarantee and the easy to follow approach the question becomes less about cost and more about whether the reader can afford to trial other cheaper solutions.
As one who had no guidance when it happened to her, it is vital to target a solution early on.
Failure to do so can only add to the stress that's already there.
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