The Egyptian revolution (25th January to February 11, 2011) the day of 25th January would be written in Golden words when Egyptian people started a peaceful struggle against a longest dictatorship. In this revolution the participants have proved themselves if resistance begins with sincerity and unity, undoubtedly it may reaches at the victory stand. Million of demonstrators were gathered for one point agenda only the Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak must will have to be resigned, who was ruling over the country with his so-called National Democratic party (NDP) from the last 32 years and he was came into power after the assassination of president Anwar El Sadat. Despite a peaceful struggle more than 83 people have been died and thousands of were injured, at last Mr. Mubarak made an announcement of his resignation on 11th February 2011, who had asked in the early days of protest that he will never separated from the power at any cost. In this revolution all the Egyptian people including men, women, old people, youngster, students, labor workers, were unified.
Those kinds of revolutions highlight the leader's role and their courage whether they are men or women. Although in Egyptian revolution both men and women were gathered but precisely five women, who helped to draw a line for revolution. They provide their service with more intelligently which can never be forgotten in the history of Egypt as well as in the history of democracy, human rights and civil liberty.
Dalia Ziada
She was born in Cairo, Egypt on 2nd January 1982. She got the BA degree in English literature from Ain Shams University and presently she is studying for obtaining master degree in International Literature from Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. She is a liberal blogger, human right activists, poet and writer. She joined the "American Islamic Congress" in the age of 25 years, as a founding director of Middle East and North Africa Bureau based in Cairo, Egypt. She has obtained Anna Lindh Euro-Med Award for online Journalism in 2010 for writing an article "Unveiling the minds of young Muslim Women" which was published in Bikya Masr – an online Egyptian website.
Through her articles she educated to the people, on her part while the government has blocked the internet and mobile access during the beginning of revolution. She was remained with their people for protests for bringing a democratic change in her country. Referring her experiences of the revolutions, she says, when I asked to the women that were gathered for demonstration at Al-Tahrir square, why she had come here and she replied "for a change" then I found a change that was now arrived in Egypt. During the revolution, we made struggle collectively not an individual a men, women or a youngster but we were there as Egyptian people.
Zaahra al-Shatter
Zaahra-al-Shatter – a brave woman who fought against the government authorities, not only for her country's people as well as she has to show her abilities for the release of her husband and father, who were the active members of Muslim Brotherhood and had been detained by the former president loyal authorities during the revolution. Zaahra is performing her duties as a school administrator and she is the mother of 3 children. On her part, she launched a campaign for the release of her family members and she raised her voice to the media and the judicial authorities. As a result of her outstanding fight, her husband and father has been freed from the government's unlawful custody. Presently she has devoted her all competencies for educational cause. She thinks, from the latest revolution we have gained confidence and full autonomy for their present and next Egyptian generations. She says, I appreciate to the children to take the events in an exceptional way, to think on different plans and accommodate to the other significant values in their minds.
Mona Mina
She is a Christian lady. As a leader, she fought against the government authorities for Doctor's community rights under an organization "Doctors without Rights". For many years she was demanding a reasonable remunerations package and better working environment for the doctors. She fought for their rights blatantly, though the chances of winning were on zero level in the President Mubarak's tyranny and prevailing corruption condition in throughout the country's organizations. Now she says, we have got a chance to put her country into a right direction. In the same time she has deeply disturbed that the revolution could be hijacked, because she thinks that the old ways will merely locate new ways to reaffirm themselves. She says, the sentiments of liberty have started, but our journey is not completed yet, because it's a first step at the lengthy track, and we will have to take several steps for obtaining practical liberty and democracy. We will have to give more sacrifices to carry on revolutionary spirit.
Gameela Ismail
She was a renowned television anchor. The fault of Gameela and her husband Ayman Nour was that they had directly defied to the then president Hosni Mubarak. Her husband ran for president and misplaced. He was exposed of parliamentary protection and put behind the jail. Their bank's accounts were blocked. Gameela job was dismissed by the government and for many years she has to face severe frustration.
Now she feels that all our troubles have been finished and we have achieved a superior aim in the form liberty and our success should not be less than the fall of "Berlin Wall". We have achieved success only on our own confidence and determination. It is the first time when you feel a country of the people and not a country of commanders. Now it feels dissimilar to walk into the street of Egypt. Gameela is now willing to contest in the parliamentary election.
Ayesha Abdul Aziz
Ayesha is a farmer and a famous labor activist. She is still unmarried and performs her duties with more gallantly. In 2008 she had initiated a strike to gain equal pay right as a female tobacco worker, in which she was remained successful against the factory owners. But on the other hand she was defeated in the parliamentary elections, which were known as engineered elections. Now she is determined to participate in the next election which would be held in this year. She wants that better education opportunities and hospitalization facilities, clean drinking water and decent road should be provided to all the Egyptian people. She says thank God I'm a woman and has complete awareness about women rights.
Those kinds of revolutions highlight the leader's role and their courage whether they are men or women. Although in Egyptian revolution both men and women were gathered but precisely five women, who helped to draw a line for revolution. They provide their service with more intelligently which can never be forgotten in the history of Egypt as well as in the history of democracy, human rights and civil liberty.
Dalia Ziada
She was born in Cairo, Egypt on 2nd January 1982. She got the BA degree in English literature from Ain Shams University and presently she is studying for obtaining master degree in International Literature from Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. She is a liberal blogger, human right activists, poet and writer. She joined the "American Islamic Congress" in the age of 25 years, as a founding director of Middle East and North Africa Bureau based in Cairo, Egypt. She has obtained Anna Lindh Euro-Med Award for online Journalism in 2010 for writing an article "Unveiling the minds of young Muslim Women" which was published in Bikya Masr – an online Egyptian website.
Through her articles she educated to the people, on her part while the government has blocked the internet and mobile access during the beginning of revolution. She was remained with their people for protests for bringing a democratic change in her country. Referring her experiences of the revolutions, she says, when I asked to the women that were gathered for demonstration at Al-Tahrir square, why she had come here and she replied "for a change" then I found a change that was now arrived in Egypt. During the revolution, we made struggle collectively not an individual a men, women or a youngster but we were there as Egyptian people.
Zaahra al-Shatter
Zaahra-al-Shatter – a brave woman who fought against the government authorities, not only for her country's people as well as she has to show her abilities for the release of her husband and father, who were the active members of Muslim Brotherhood and had been detained by the former president loyal authorities during the revolution. Zaahra is performing her duties as a school administrator and she is the mother of 3 children. On her part, she launched a campaign for the release of her family members and she raised her voice to the media and the judicial authorities. As a result of her outstanding fight, her husband and father has been freed from the government's unlawful custody. Presently she has devoted her all competencies for educational cause. She thinks, from the latest revolution we have gained confidence and full autonomy for their present and next Egyptian generations. She says, I appreciate to the children to take the events in an exceptional way, to think on different plans and accommodate to the other significant values in their minds.
Mona Mina
She is a Christian lady. As a leader, she fought against the government authorities for Doctor's community rights under an organization "Doctors without Rights". For many years she was demanding a reasonable remunerations package and better working environment for the doctors. She fought for their rights blatantly, though the chances of winning were on zero level in the President Mubarak's tyranny and prevailing corruption condition in throughout the country's organizations. Now she says, we have got a chance to put her country into a right direction. In the same time she has deeply disturbed that the revolution could be hijacked, because she thinks that the old ways will merely locate new ways to reaffirm themselves. She says, the sentiments of liberty have started, but our journey is not completed yet, because it's a first step at the lengthy track, and we will have to take several steps for obtaining practical liberty and democracy. We will have to give more sacrifices to carry on revolutionary spirit.
Gameela Ismail
She was a renowned television anchor. The fault of Gameela and her husband Ayman Nour was that they had directly defied to the then president Hosni Mubarak. Her husband ran for president and misplaced. He was exposed of parliamentary protection and put behind the jail. Their bank's accounts were blocked. Gameela job was dismissed by the government and for many years she has to face severe frustration.
Now she feels that all our troubles have been finished and we have achieved a superior aim in the form liberty and our success should not be less than the fall of "Berlin Wall". We have achieved success only on our own confidence and determination. It is the first time when you feel a country of the people and not a country of commanders. Now it feels dissimilar to walk into the street of Egypt. Gameela is now willing to contest in the parliamentary election.
Ayesha Abdul Aziz
Ayesha is a farmer and a famous labor activist. She is still unmarried and performs her duties with more gallantly. In 2008 she had initiated a strike to gain equal pay right as a female tobacco worker, in which she was remained successful against the factory owners. But on the other hand she was defeated in the parliamentary elections, which were known as engineered elections. Now she is determined to participate in the next election which would be held in this year. She wants that better education opportunities and hospitalization facilities, clean drinking water and decent road should be provided to all the Egyptian people. She says thank God I'm a woman and has complete awareness about women rights.