Dedicate one hour a week to pursue your creative side of your brain.
As you work on your projects your brain is setting a new program and as it does you pain and anguish are put on the back burner of awhile.
You will notice a feeling of accomplishment as you complete each project.
You Don't have to do everything on your list but if you do it will only improve how fast your brains programs switch on and off.
This is how you apply art therapy to heal yourself.
To keep your mind functioning at it's best you need to keep the oxygen flowing to all parts of the brain and body.
Start your day at the same time everyday take medication and supplements for health conditions.
If you are taking our pro biotic do that first it needs to be on an empty stomach.
You need to follow the directions that are given by your doctor when taking any medication.
I have found the more questions you ask your doctor the more they get a clear understanding of the dedication you have to yourself and your health care.
We know our bodies better then anyone.
So don't take products with out talking to your doctor first.
Dedication to ones self is essential to keeping your mind and body ready for the abundant life we want blessed by GOD.
Dedication to yourself is the most important thing you can do by taking control of your health and wealth you become the master of your life.
A life fill with abundance.
Take time to dedicate to each area of your life and the things that would harm you you can meet head on with the power needed to stand your ground.
I will call upon the Lord, Who is to be praised: so shall I be saved from my enemies.
Psalm 18:3
As you work on your projects your brain is setting a new program and as it does you pain and anguish are put on the back burner of awhile.
You will notice a feeling of accomplishment as you complete each project.
You Don't have to do everything on your list but if you do it will only improve how fast your brains programs switch on and off.
This is how you apply art therapy to heal yourself.
To keep your mind functioning at it's best you need to keep the oxygen flowing to all parts of the brain and body.
Start your day at the same time everyday take medication and supplements for health conditions.
If you are taking our pro biotic do that first it needs to be on an empty stomach.
You need to follow the directions that are given by your doctor when taking any medication.
I have found the more questions you ask your doctor the more they get a clear understanding of the dedication you have to yourself and your health care.
We know our bodies better then anyone.
So don't take products with out talking to your doctor first.
Dedication to ones self is essential to keeping your mind and body ready for the abundant life we want blessed by GOD.
Dedication to yourself is the most important thing you can do by taking control of your health and wealth you become the master of your life.
A life fill with abundance.
Take time to dedicate to each area of your life and the things that would harm you you can meet head on with the power needed to stand your ground.
I will call upon the Lord, Who is to be praised: so shall I be saved from my enemies.
Psalm 18:3