Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Law of Attraction - True Story Being Called to Be Told

Today as I bask in the quiet of my mountain surroundings, I can feel the presence of a love so great, it brings tears to my eyes.
The love is in front of me for miles as I softly gaze ahead, it is behind me, to both sides, above and below me.
It is everywhere.
I can feel it and taste it and smell it and touch the essence of it.
It has brought me back in time to just after my husband died.
He transitioned on November 9/97, just weeks before Christmas.
He truly was a Santa Claus and the thought of having Christmas as usual, just seemed impossible.
And so, I packed up my two children, ages 10 & 15 and we headed to the west coast of Canada, Tofino BC, to throw their fathers ashes into the open ocean that he loved so very much.
We stopped off at friends overnite and in the morning, my son, decides he will go back and be with our family friends for Christmas.
And so my daughter and I continue.
We arrive in Tofino and for 4 days we wait for the clouds to clear so that we can hire a plane to fly over the open ocean where we will drop his ashes.
The clouds lift, the pilot calls and we are off.
All goes well as we drop the ashes in the perfect spot.
On the way back, I had decided to go to a sacred hot springs for a few hours.
The pilot drops us off, one can only reach this area by boat or plane, and he agrees to pick us up later.
As soon as we step out of the plane, three dogs came bounding towards us.
One was a parent, older dog and the other two were like teenage dogs.
The older dog came directly to me and nuzzled his head around my legs.
Feeling a familiar presence, I looked down and said, Russell (my husbands name), what are you doing in this dogs body.
I could feel his energy as if he were beside me, he was beside me.
I was so stunned, yet felt the knowing of his energy that I knew so well.
Well these dogs guided us to the hot springs, which was about 1/2 mile of walking.
When we arrived it was breathtaking as we felt the warmth of the springs coming forth.
These three dogs literally sat with us, overlooking us on the rocks, as we both bathed and comforted ourselves in these springs.
The whole while I was talking to Russell.
I said to him, oh my goodness, this is so perfect for you.
Living by the open ocean that you love, guiding people to these sacred hot springs.
It was so surreal, yet real.
I knew without a doubt that he was here with me.
There was no doubt, I just could feel him all around me, a love so pure, so powerful.
We were in such need of comfort, both my daughter, who loved her father like no other and me, who was at a loss without him it seemed.
After our soak in the springs, we dressed and the dogs walked us back to where the plane was picking us up.
Doug, the pilot was waiting.
As I stepped into the plane I said to Doug, "you will maybe not believe this, my husbands energy is in this dogs body" as I pointed to the parent dog.
Doug looked and without a pause, said, "I believe you.
" And he did, I knew he did.
Those dogs watched us lift off into the air and never took their eyes off of us until we were out of view.
The knowing that there is so much more than what we can actually see, is something that I have come to know with out any question.
It is a part of my deep sense of the infinite intelligence that we are all a part of.
When one sits in the quiet of nature as I do often, you can feel the vibration of your being in harmony with all wellness.
You can feel the love every where.
It is palpable.
Just sit quietly, soften your eyes and feel it all around you.
It will reassure you and comfort you like nothing else.
You will know that you are never alone, never ever alone.
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