Health & Medical Lose Weight

Weight Loss - 7 Tips to Get You Started

Are you thinking about losing weight and need some help getting started? Well let me start by saying that millions of Americans start the journey towards weight loss every year.
Many of them don't ever experience any progress.
Use these tips to make sure you are not one of them and you come out of the gate running.
It is important to get in touch and understand your true motivation, so you need to figure why exactly you would like to lose weight.
Is it because you want to look sexier to the opposite sex? Is it so you can fit into clothes you haven't worn for years? Or is it so you can improve your confidence and self-esteem? Whatever the reason, make sure you understand it before moving further.
Eat as often as you are hungry.
The usual recommendation is six times per day.
It is better to eat more meals that are smaller than less meals that are bigger.
Use caution with this one, though, because you want to make sure these more frequent meals are smaller and you are not over-eating.
Drink water and drink it often.
It has been found in studies that people often mistake thirst and minor dehydration for hunger.
So when you feel like you might be getting hungry, try to drink a glass of water and see how you feel.
You might be surprised when you realize your hunger has gone away.
Take the stairs when possible.
If you live or work on the second floor, third floor, or even higher, try to take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Doing something as little as this can help burn hundreds of extra calories a week.
Sometimes this is all you need to make the difference between losing or simply maintaining your weight.
Increase the amount of vegetables you are eating.
As Americans this is the one area we seem to have the biggest problem with.
We are obsessed with meat and sweets and things that are high in calories and fat.
Guess what we skip as a result? That's right, our vegetables.
Make an effort to eat more vegetables and your waist line will thank you.
Track what you are eating and how often.
My suggestion is to do this on a daily basis for a week or two.
This gives you a great idea of what you are actually consuming and just how easy it will be to cut some of those things out.
Give it a try and you'll be surprised what cuts you can make.
Stay as positive as you possibly can.
Too often I see people get on a "diet" or workout program only to see them give up within weeks or even days.
When you are trying to lose weight the biggest enemy of success is you! Don't give up and do whatever it takes to remain positive about what you are doing and what you are trying to accomplish.
This list should get you started on the right track.
Don't forget that ultimately your success in losing weight is entirely up to you.
Follow these steps, though, and you'll be off to a great start!
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