Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Find Bankruptcies in County Records

How to Find Bankruptcies in County Records

In the United States, bankruptcy courts fall under the jurisdiction of the federal court system. That means proceedings are not handled by local, county or state judges, even though U.S. district courts are scattered throughout the country. However, searching some county records for links to bankrup

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Create a Rent Receipt

How to Create a Rent Receipt

Ask any rental property owner what the most challenging part of being a landlord, is and you're likely to hear a wide variety of answers ranging from property maintenance to marketing to financial management. Fortunately, one of the easiest ways to make keep your rental business up to speed professi

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Infinite Benefits of a Revocable Trust

The Infinite Benefits of a Revocable Trust

Benfits of a revocable trust include tax protection, probate avoidance, privacy, control and asset protection. By using a revocable trust as the centerpiece of a foundational estate plan, we are able to double the Federal estate tax coupon amount from 1 million dollars to 2 million dollars, thus sav

Law & Legal & Attorney: Mis-Sold Endowments - An Analysis

Mis-Sold Endowments - An Analysis

Many people were aghast to find that the nearly too-good-to-be-true endowment mortgage was, well, exactly that. As the time neared for them to reap the gains they'd been promised, they saw that the policies they'd purchased simply wouldn't be enough to cover their intended purpose, wh

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Write a Will in Illinois

How to Write a Will in Illinois

They say you can't take it with you, but at least you can determine how, and to whom, your assets and possessions will be distributed when you pass away. Traditionally, this is done by preparing a will. Preparing a will is highly recommended, especially if you have specific assets that you'd want t

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Create a Temporary Power of Attorney

How to Create a Temporary Power of Attorney

A power of attorney (also called a POA) is the right to act on the behalf of another person in legal or financial matters. It may be necessary to have a power of attorney for elderly people, active duty military personnel or anyone who might need someone to act on their behalf. In many cases, the po

Law & Legal & Attorney: What is a Living Will Registry?

What is a Living Will Registry?

Health problems affect us all. That is why it is good to have a plan to deal with or wishes being taken care of in the event that we are not able to speak for ourselves. Today we will learn of such a plan by talking about a living will document.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Spendthrift Agreement Trusts

Spendthrift Agreement Trusts

Between wills and trusts, each document can address different concerns that may be held by the head of an estate. Trusts, which are usually more popular with those who have more property to divide, offer a peculiar kind of clause to settlors. Spendthrift agreements are available to those drawing up

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Create a Buzzer

How to Create a Buzzer

Building a buzzer is a great way to teach students about the basics of Morse code. Buzzer boxes are also useful year-round tools, as they can act as game-show buzzers for review trivia games. The science of a buzzer involves an alternating electrical current passing through a small diaphragm in the

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Report a Missing Person in Arizona

How to Report a Missing Person in Arizona

Thousands of missing persons reports are filed every year in the state of Arizona, according to the Phoenix Police Department. You can talk to law enforcement at any time if you believe a person is missing. There are no waiting limits to file the report or any requirements that you must be married o

Law & Legal & Attorney: Tips For Completing A Maine Living Will Form

Tips For Completing A Maine Living Will Form

If you are living in Maine, one document you need to fill out is a living will form.Make some all-important decisions today so that your loved ones won't have to!

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Replace a Trustee in a California Living Trust

How to Replace a Trustee in a California Living Trust

A living trust is a legal document that governs distribution of personal estate of the grantor (the person, or entity, which the trust is for) to its beneficiaries. It is similar to a will. However, assets listed in the trust do not go through a probate court. A trustee is the person who handles dis

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Obtain Trust Documents

How to Obtain Trust Documents

Among the differences between wills and trusts is the issue of privacy. According to 'Lectric Law Library, whereas a will becomes a public document, a trust can remain private. Some states require that a trust be registered with the state, but there are usually no penalties for failing to do so. Law

Law & Legal & Attorney: How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?

How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?

If you don't have enough life insurance, you could put your family in a difficult situation upon your death, but having too much could mean you're throwing money out the window. So, how much life insurance do you need?

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Remove a Deceased Name From a Deed in Michigan

How to Remove a Deceased Name From a Deed in Michigan

A common concern when an individual dies is how to remove the person's name from the deed to any property owned. The state of Michigan's process for removing a name due to death can be simple, complicated or costly based on how the title to the property was written and whether the individual had a w

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Create GUI in XNA

How to Create GUI in XNA

A graphical user interface (GUI) allows you to play a game by clicking on buttons and other controls. Without a GUI, you would need to be capable of controlling a game through the command line to play many types of games. A GUI allows you to create a new character with the click of a button, or to s

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Write a Will in Georgia

How to Write a Will in Georgia

The passing of a loved one is difficult for the family members left behind. An emotionally trying situation can become even more complicated if no will has been written. Failing to write a will in Georgia can result in your surviving family members losing control of property and money. If no will is

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Write a Response to a Counteroffer for Employment

How to Write a Response to a Counteroffer for Employment

It's generally a bad idea to accept a counteroffer of employment from your current boss after you've handed in your notice. The reasons you wanted to leave in the first place are all still there, and the fact that you've considered leaving calls your loyalty into question. Even if you're offered mor