- Cut rainbow shapes from purple, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red construction paper. Make at least three of each color. Tape the colored rainbow arches, in order, every few feet along a "trail" around the school. If desired, you may tape a few additional arches of the wrong color leading in the wrong direction so the children have the choice of following the right path or the wrong one. Hide a container with a gold candy coin for each child at the end of the trail. If possible, put them in a small black cooking pot. Let the children follow the colors, in the order of the colors of the rainbow, to find the treasure.
- Cut the top and bottom off slices of bread to make a rectangle. Cut smaller rectangles from orange cheddar cheese and dark green lettuce. They should be as tall as the bread and 1/3 as long. Have the children spread the bread with mayonnaise or soft cream cheese and arrange the cheese and lettuce at each end of the bread to create the Irish flag.
- Cut six green hearts from construction paper and two 6-inch pieces of green chenille stem for each child. Have the children twist the pieces of stem together to form an "X." Show them how to make shamrocks by gluing hearts to the "X." Glue a heart to three arms of the "X" with the angle pointing toward the center of the "X." Glue another heart to the other side of each arm aligning the edges of the hearts. The last arm is the stem of the shamrock.
- Draw lots of three-leaf clovers and one four-leaf clover on a sheet of paper. Make a copy for each child and have them color the shamrocks and search for the lucky one.
Hunt for the Pot of Gold
Irish Flag Sandwiches
Heart Shamrocks
Lucky Clover