- Use craft projects to honor America's 16th president.lincoln eyes image by CraterValley Photo from Fotolia.com
Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin but became one of the most famous presidents of the United States. Celebrate the 16th president as you create craft projects. Honor his birthday as you build his a replica of his birth home. Wear his face proudly on a piece of jewelry or tip your top hat as you greet your friends. - Celebrate Lincoln's heritage with a log cabin. You could allow kids to draw their own or you can download free color pages of a log cabin (see the links in Resources) for them to color. Consider making an edible log cabin with them that is built with pretzel sticks "glued" with icing using two graham crackers as the roof and let them eat it later for desert. Another option is using a shoebox or tissue box and gluing old crayons to the box as they create their own colorful log cabin project or have them glue Popsicle sticks up the box and then paint it.
- Put three dollars of pennies (Lincoln's image is on the penny) into three different shaped containers and have kids guess how much each container holds. Reward the closest one with a snack or the jar of pennies. Take a ribbon and glue a penny onto the middle for a choker necklace, and make a matching bracelet. Or take a bow and insert a safety pin into the back. Glue a penny in the center of the bow for a penny pin. Put an embossed item under a sheet of blank white paper and show kids how to rub the penny over the surface and end up with a replica of the embossed item underneath.
- Make a stovepipe hat just like the one Lincoln wore as you cut out the middle of a paper plate, insert rolled black construction paper into the hole and add glue to the sides and top sections. Paint it all black. Another version of this project creates a miniature hat using toilet paper rolls covered and glued to black construction paper. Make a silhouette of Lincoln as you copy an enlarge picture of his face off the center of a $5 bill and trace it onto black construction paper. Glue the picture onto a white background for maximum effect.
Log Cabin
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