- 1). Consume matzah as part of the Passover Seder. Follow the steps related to matzah outlined in the Haggadah: Yachatz, Rachtzah, Motzi and Korech. Break the matzah in half, return half to the center pile and set the other piece aside to be eaten at the end of the Seder. Wash your hands in preparation for eating the matzah. Say a blessing over the matzah. Eat a bit of matzah. Make a sandwich out of matzah, bitter herbs (maror) and charoset.
- 2). Use matzah like a cracker. Drizzle olive oil and salt on the it, then break and eat.
- 3). Break matzah crackers into small pieces and place in a blender with no liquid. Blend until you achieve a fine, flour-like substance -- matzah meal. Substitute meal in any recipe that calls for flour.