Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Create a Honey Exfoliator

How to Create a Honey Exfoliator

Aside from its unrivaled flavor, honey's got a whole host of uses to invigorate your skin. Honey is what's known as a humectant, a type of substance that attracts and retains moisture. This means that the familiar, sweet, golden goo does double-duty as a superstar moisturizer. Combine honey with a b

Law & Legal & Attorney: Oregon State Living Trust Rules

Oregon State Living Trust Rules

A living trust is a fiduciary relationship regarding a specific piece of property or asset. In a living trust, the trustee holds a revocable legal title to the property that's subject to the rights of the beneficiaries of that trust. In Oregon, living trusts are often used as an...

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Inherit a Retirement Account

How to Inherit a Retirement Account

There are two courses to take to inherit a retirement account from an individual who died. First, in many cases you can obtain outstanding benefits in a retirement account by filing a claim form directly with the company overseeing that plan. Second, you can receive the proceeds through an estate op

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Relinquish Parental Rights in Maricopa County, AZ

How to Relinquish Parental Rights in Maricopa County, AZ

The voluntary termination of parental rights in Arizona is called relinquishment. In Maricopa County, a parent may relinquish parental rights to another parent, the state, a licensed adoption agency or adoptive parents. A petition must be filed with the Maricopa County Juvenile Court and the court m

Law & Legal & Attorney: How Do I Find Out if a Doctor Has Any Malpratice Law Suits Against Them?

How Do I Find Out if a Doctor Has Any Malpratice Law Suits Against Them?

Although a history of malpractice suits may not be an indicator on the quality of a doctor's care, particularly if he successfully defended himself in those trials, patients do have the right to know if there's a repeated pattern of patients unhappy enough to file malpractice suits against a physici

Law & Legal & Attorney: Laws Relating to Property by Indian Government

Laws Relating to Property by Indian Government

Indian property laws cover many aspects of property ownership.Gateway of India image by Sujit Mahapatra from Fotolia.comProperty laws in India are diverse and quite far-reaching. They cover things such as the definition of, and the proper procedure for, the sale of a property, along with...

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Beat a Non-Compete Agreement in Texas

How to Beat a Non-Compete Agreement in Texas

An employee in Texas may be asked to sign a non-compete agreement with his current employer that prohibits post-employment work in the same business or profession for a period of time, as well as solicitation of the employer's customers during that same period. But if that employee has a job offer f

Law & Legal & Attorney: A Job as a Probate Lawyer

A Job as a Probate Lawyer

Lawyers can practice any type of law they choose once they have the education and licensing required to practice law. Most lawyers, however, choose to specialize in one or two specific areas of the law. One possible area is probate law.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Planning for Inheritance Taxes Eases the Minds of Beneficiaries

Planning for Inheritance Taxes Eases the Minds of Beneficiaries

Tax laws in the United States can be confusing when it comes to estates, inheritances, probate, and gifts. There are tax forms that must be submitted and paid to the United States federal government as well as the state in which the recipient lives. Each state has their own tax regulations in regard

Law & Legal & Attorney: Conflict of Interest in a Courtroom

Conflict of Interest in a Courtroom

Lawyers are bound by their state's applicable Rules of Professional Responsibility. These rules may differ slightly, but most of them are based on the American Bar Association's professional responsibility rules. Note, however, that a few jurisdictions, such as California, have different rules on co

Law & Legal & Attorney: Overview of 2010 Estate Tax and Gift Tax Rules

Overview of 2010 Estate Tax and Gift Tax Rules

On December 17, 2010, Congress and President Obama acted to retroactively resurrect the federal estate tax for the estates of decedents who died in 2010. But there's a twist. Learn all about the new rules governing federal estate taxes for 2010 deaths here.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Executorship Duties

Executorship Duties

An executor plays many roles.casket image by enens from Fotolia.comBecoming the executor of someone's estate can be an honor that turns into a nightmare in some cases. Depending on the complexity of the estate, the job can last for weeks or months. Things may go smoothly or there may be...

Law & Legal & Attorney: How Can I Find Out if Someone Has Posted Bond?

How Can I Find Out if Someone Has Posted Bond?

Posting bond is a process where someone arrested on criminal charges provides money to the court so he can be released from jail until his court date. If he misses his court date, the money given to the court is forfeited. The bond can come from several sources. If the suspect can't raise funds hims

Law & Legal & Attorney: Inheritance Tax Estate Planning

Inheritance Tax Estate Planning

Technically speaking, an inheritance tax is different from an estate tax. The latter is a tax on a decedent's gross estate, while the former is levied against the share an individual receives of an estate. For practical purposes, however, taxes on an estate tend to reduce the amount inherited by hei

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Find Legal Fidiciary Responsibilities As an Executor of a Will

How to Find Legal Fidiciary Responsibilities As an Executor of a Will

The fiduciary standard is the highest standard of financial responsibility recognized under the law. The word comes from the Latin "fiducia," or "trust," and the doctrine requires a duty of utmost good faith and the absence of self-dealing. A fiduciary is legally required to handle financial and pro

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Find Inner Quartile Range

How to Find Inner Quartile Range

Box and whisker graph is a form of statistical representation that demonstrates the spread and concentration of a data set. Two adjacent boxes show the lower quartile (the middle number of the lower half), the median (the middle number of the entire data set) and the upper quartile (the middle numbe

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Create a Reverse DNS Zone & Populate it Automatically

How to Create a Reverse DNS Zone & Populate it Automatically

When you access a website on the Internet, the Domain Name System checks the Internet Protocol address for that domain and redirects your traffic there. For basic web traffic, this is fine, however, if you wish to host your own mail server, you should use a reverse record. Reverse DNS zones automati

Law & Legal & Attorney: How Do I Force Dragon 7 to Write Numbers Numerically?

How Do I Force Dragon 7 to Write Numbers Numerically?

Dragon Naturally Speaking Version 7 dictating software, when in Normal Mode, spells out numbers you speak into the microphone. In some situations you may prefer to use the numeric character for the number instead of having it spelled out. By using a command you can have Dragon Naturally Speaking wri