Law & Legal & Attorney Wills & trusts

Writing a Will: What You Need to Know

Why do you need to make a will? First of all, a will is a document, validated by the court of law, where you can state how you want your property to be distributed to different people of your own choice.
These people can be your spouse, you children, your siblings, parents, and other family members.
If you don't want the court to decide how to distribute your property and estate (as this is what happens if you don't have a will), then it is best to create a will on your own, so that your own wishes will be carried out after you die.
You may also name a guardian for your children in your will especially if the children are still below the legal age.
There are certain formalities concerned when writing a will.
First of all, it needs to be done in proper and formal wording, so prepare some well-chosen words and think carefully before you write the whole thing down.
It's best to write clearly and concisely so you can avoid misunderstanding when interpreting the contents of your will.
The signature must also be placed at the very end of the document, or else whatever text comes after the signature will be considered invalid, and there might even be a possibility of the entire will being considered invalid.
So read the whole thing through very carefully before signing it in front of two witnesses.
Should changes need to be made, you should prepare a separate sheet and state the corrections and/or additions there.
If you feel they are too complicated, then it's best to write the entire will from scratch to avoid confusion.
After writing a will, you need to name an Executor to take charge over the terms stated in your will after your death.
Should you choose not to name an Executor, the court will appoint an Administrator, instead, and the disadvantage of this is their chosen person might not be of your preference.
It is your will, and if you wish to protect your rights, your children's rights, and your property and estate, then it is best to write your will as clearly as possible and deal with all the requirements needed.
Don't let the court or the state dictate what's going to happen with your estate.
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