- 1). Construct a formal letter with your contact details and the date at the head of the page.
- 2). Address the letter to the person who made you the formal counteroffer of employment. You can copy any individual managers or human resources officers later.
- 3). Start your letter with a sentence or two thanking the person who made you the offer and mention how flattering you found it. Then, immediately offer an apology and say that, with regret, you feel that you have to turn down the offer. You don't need to give a specific reason or any more details.
- 4). Continue with a paragraph explaining that you feel the time has come for you to move on. Stress how much you've enjoyed working for the company and pay tribute to your colleagues. Say how proud you are of the achievements you've made while working in your current post, and how you feel it's equipped you with the skills you need to move on to the next chapter of your career.
- 5). Finish by thanking the addressee of the letter for the kindness she has personally shown towards you and sign your letter "Yours sincerely."
- 6). Note whom, if anybody, you are copying the letter to below your signature.