Law & Legal & Attorney: Michael Jackson's Estate Illustrates One of the Benefits of a Trust

Michael Jackson's Estate Illustrates One of the Benefits of a Trust

After Michael Jackson died, no family members could find a will or a trust. His mother filed a petition with the Los Angeles Probate Court to be named the administratrix of his estate believing that he died intestate. Soon after she filed, a former lawyer for Michael Jackson produced a will and a tr

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Take Photos for Insurance Companies

How to Take Photos for Insurance Companies

When your insured property is lost, damaged or stolen, your insurance company will require a great deal of documentation to prove the state of the insured property, the value of the insured property and any and all damage to the insured property. Photographic evidence can prove visually not just the

Law & Legal & Attorney: How Do Beneficiary Trusts Work?

How Do Beneficiary Trusts Work?

Every person has a dream of planning a secure future for his family. No one knows when he might die so people try to plan for future in a way to provide security to their partners, children and even relatives.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Transfer a House Deed to a Family Member

How to Transfer a House Deed to a Family Member

Transfer of any real property, including a house located on the real property, must be done according to the statute of frauds. The deed to transfer the real property can be a general warranty deed (which protects against both past actions and future actions), the special warranty deed (which protec

Law & Legal & Attorney: Why We All Need Inheritance Advice

Why We All Need Inheritance Advice

In cases where the deceased has created a Will it's the responsibility and accountability of the very people named as Executor(s) to make sure that monies according to the Will are distributed. If a probate bureau or solicitor is distributing the estate then they will have to communicate with t

Law & Legal & Attorney: When is a Federal Estate Tax Return Required to Be Filed for Deaths in 2013?

When is a Federal Estate Tax Return Required to Be Filed for Deaths in 2013?

A federal estate tax return (IRS Form 706) is only required to be filed under very specific circumstances. Regardless, some estates may need to prepare IRS Form 706 strictly for state estate tax purposes or electing portability, while others should consider filing IRS Form 706 even if it is not requ

Law & Legal & Attorney: Keys to Writing Self-Appraisals

Keys to Writing Self-Appraisals

Self-appraisals are used in many companies as part of the employee evaluation process. Staff are asked to write a review of their performance for the year to give appraisers an idea of how their own observations correspond with the thoughts of the employee under review. Writing an honest, comprehens

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Create a Criminal Trial Notebook

How to Create a Criminal Trial Notebook

A well-organized criminal trial notebook is an asset to a prosecutor or defense attorney. By separating topics, types of witnesses and phases of trial, you can more easily and efficiently locate reports, statements or impeachment evidence. Whether you use a three-ring binder, laptop or combination o

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Are the Benefits of Wills?

What Are the Benefits of Wills?

A will is a legal document used for asset planninggavel image by Cora Reed from Fotolia.comThe main benefit of wills is that they legally proclaim what you want done with your personal assets after your death. You are able to name beneficiaries as well as assign someone to execute the...

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Create a Ruffled Stitch

How to Create a Ruffled Stitch

It is easy to create a ruffle stitch by hand or with a sewing machine. If you don't have a sewing machine, you can simply sew the seams by hand. Once you know how to sew a ruffle seam, you can add ruffles to dresses, skirts, sleeves or curtains. You can also sew a layer of ruffles for a dress or ski

Law & Legal & Attorney: Obtaining Cash For Inheritance Funding For Probated Assets

Obtaining Cash For Inheritance Funding For Probated Assets

Cash for inheritance is an option available to heirs who wish to sell inheritance assets bequeathed to them through a Will or trust. When assets are held in probate it can take several months or years before final distribution occurs. If heirs do not want to wait for estate settlement, they can assi

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Create a Will for Free

How to Create a Will for Free

A will is a legal document that outlines your wishes for your estate, children's care, funeral and in cases of living wills and proxies, your health care should you become incapacitated. A will can be a simple document that outlines basic information. Sometimes the type of decisions that a will shou

Law & Legal & Attorney: Will Prepared Online by an Attorney

Will Prepared Online by an Attorney

A Will is one of the most important documents that you will ever prepare in your life. A Will sets out all the terms and conditions that should be followed when you pass on.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Funeral Planning in Canada

Funeral Planning in Canada

Ben Franklin is quoted as saying "nothing in this world is certain but death and taxes." Planning the arrangements for someone after they've passed is an uncomfortable but necessary task. Things can get awkward between family when deciding things like where the deceased should be laid and how much t

Law & Legal & Attorney: People With Disabilities Act

People With Disabilities Act

In a country that strives for equal opportunities among citizens, laws are in place to ensure that minority groups are treated fairly. To protect the rights of the disabled, President George H.W. Bush put the American's with Disabilities Act (ADA) into motion on July 26th, 1990.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Charitable Remainder Trusts: Preserving Your Estate

Charitable Remainder Trusts: Preserving Your Estate

Charitable Remainder Trusts: Preserving Your EstateFinancial and estate planning ensure that a person's assets and property will be put to the greatest use during life, and to the beneficiary's best use after death. Too bad that studies show that relatively few people actually adopt such a