- 1). Download an appropriate third-party GUI XNA control set from a free or paid library available online.
- 2). Open the game that must contain a GUI in Visual Studio.
- 3). Right-click on the references menu, click "Add References" and browse to the third party GUI components you downloaded. Click "OK" to upload the code.
- 4). Reference the GUI class library by placing the path file at the top of any code file that must access the GUI. Include the following line of code at the top of the file: "using GUILibrary.Library.Controls;," or include code that appropriately references the class library you've downloaded.
- 1). List each function that the GUI must perform. Create an icon for each function and save it in an image file.
- 2). Add buttons and other GUI elements as specified by your GUI library. Create, if you wish, a designated portion of the game's view port to contain the GUI controls.
- 3). Wire event handlers to each button, using the events provided by the third-party framework.
- 4). Write code to implement the behaviors needed within each event handler, using functions and objects you've already created. Create new functions as necessary.
Add the Library Code
Program the GUI