Travel & Places: Overnight Golf Camps in Ohio

Overnight Golf Camps in Ohio

Overnight golf camps accommodate a wide variety of ages.Playing Golf image by Chad McDermott from Fotolia.comAlso known as the "Buckeye State," Ohio is a Midwestern state with the capital of Columbus. Ohio is home to 13 state universities and hundreds of golf courses. This combination...

Travel & Places: A Cheap Family Holiday

A Cheap Family Holiday

These days money is tight for the majority of people but with life being stressful a holiday is still very much needed especially if you have a young family with kids who get bored if they spend the whole summer holiday in one place. It has however become tough for families to afford a holiday what

Travel & Places: Wedding Tents – Should You or Shouldn't You?

Wedding Tents – Should You or Shouldn't You?

'Wedding Tents let you give an Individual Touch to your wedding venue', I believe. So, if you're kind of experimenting soul, yes, you should seriously think about Wedding Tents.

Travel & Places: Chateaubriand


Photo of Chateaubriand. camping guide, David Sweet, shares photos and recipes of dishes that he has prepared at the campground.

Travel & Places: ENO Doublenest Hammock

ENO Doublenest Hammock

If you an outdoor person but you are not a fan of sleeping on the ground and don't like to carry a lot when go camping ENO Hammock is perfect for you. It offers you ...

Travel & Places: Enjoying the Outdoors with Recreational Vehicles

Enjoying the Outdoors with Recreational Vehicles

It has been a trend in most countries that people go on vacation by visiting places that requires camping and enjoying the outdoors. Before, portable tents were the only needed equipment as living qua

Travel & Places: Ants on a Log

Ants on a Log

A camping recipe from Liz. This is a great healthy snack.

Travel & Places: Don't Forget These Items the Next Time You Go Camping

Don't Forget These Items the Next Time You Go Camping

I have been camping since I was five years old. My dad would drag (literally at first) me and my brother out into the woods to enjoy a weekend of camping, fishing and hiking. Little did I know then as I was throwing a fit to not leave the comforts of my warm bed, that I would become a campaholic.

Travel & Places: Buying Camping Tables Online

Buying Camping Tables Online

Do you currently own a camping table? If not, you may be missing out on a piece of camping equipment that can really help to make your trips a lot more comfortable. With such a table, you and your family can enjoy outdoor dining more frequently.

Travel & Places: Tents - They're Not Just For Vagabonds

Tents - They're Not Just For Vagabonds

Tents are the best way to travel. I gave up on over crowded hostels years ago, opting instead for a clean, well kept tent. The variety of tents continues to increase; from single person to family multi-plexes, the choices are staggering. Here are some ways you can select the right tent, and keep in

Travel & Places: Ground Tent Vs Rooftop Tent

Ground Tent Vs Rooftop Tent

Before dwelling into your far away outdoor adventure think about what makes or breaks the experience when it comes down to the choice of a 4x4 tent. It might be most important choice that defines your state of mind during the whole trip.

Travel & Places: How to Fix Tent Poles

How to Fix Tent Poles

You're getting set for a big camping trip. Ready to enjoy the fresh air and some nights under the stars. There's just one problem: One of your tent poles is busted. Fortunately, you can repair it with little time and expense. Read on to learn more.